It pains me to say it, but I find myself in sympathy with Christie on that point. Or maybe it's more accurate to say Christie can go fuck himself, but I resent the media demanding that candidates for the highest office in the land be "interesting" before they will report on them. You want Trump? Because that's how you get Trump!

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Seriously. I may give up porn altogether after reading that. Or at least until noon. Ish.

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"Push it REEL good!" https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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For me, it's "Baby Elephant Walk."

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I'm surprised that the Non Trump candidates aren't following his lead and trying to out racist each other since that's what the base loves about him. "Finally someone has stood up to the PC police and said what I'm thinking all the time!"

It would be a contest to see who dropped an N-Bomb first

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Come to work at Fartknocker LLC, a.k.a., The Abortionplex located near Truth or Consequences, NM. We like this town because it means one thing: sometimes condoms work and sometimes they don't. We are looking for bright-eyed, gleeful, unabashed medical professionals to help make babby parts. Demand is great and shipping is free! We don't pay $98 in one hour - that's bull shit chump change. Abortionplex uses the pay when you play plan so the more babby parts produced, the more U.S. dollars you earn. We have great employee benefits including free health care, daily yoga workouts, amniotic fluid juice bars (now with Kiwi fruit), WiFi, and free breakfast. Check us out at:


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I bow before your mad Photoshop skillz.

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Chris Christie privatized NJ lottery, so far, not so swell results. ww.northjersey.com/news/rec...When he is president I hope he has better luck privatizing the military, etc.

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Which is still BS because people like Bernie Sanders generate tons of "excitement" on the campaign trail yet gets very little comparative media coverage. Moreover Sanders strictly focuses on "the isues" rather than treat his candidacy as an audition tape for the latest TLC show and still generates enough excitement and enthusiasm to gain some noticeable results at the polls (which is the only political aspect worth talking about, since the presidential race is now just the Homecoming court with uglier people.) I'm just saying I think there is a self-fulfilling prophecy with such declarations.

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Oh, right, he was boring and irrelevant, except for that one minute when he said “GRRR ARGH ROAR!” at Rand Paul, which everyone promptly forgot.

And we can see that for free everytime he interacts with a teacher, or preschooler or the waiter who dares mention that they are out of mayonnaise.

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If you saw the infamous "Take Me to the Ballgame" picture, you'd reconsider that request.

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How weird is it that wingnuts are now worshipping Putin? Christ, can you imagine if Democrats started suddenly talking about how great a communist tyrant is? Fox News would implode from the hysteria.

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As long as there are food, there will be Chris Christie. He also hate pot smokers and their lousy self discipline.


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Ratings - which sell advertising - aren't "interest" though, and often "high ratings" are only so because of outrage. So yes, it's the media's fault.

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well done!

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It's too bad. Rory and Lorilei would have liven up the debates with thier dry with and...wait, who?

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