Well it shouldn't be anyway. But the money boys have been infiltrating the seminaries as well as the universities and media ever since we passed the income tax to pay for WW1. Far too many churches are just wholly owned subsidiaries of the Ministry of Disinformation, making Christianity safe for Consumer Capitalism.

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Apparently they have yet to be "raised". Or maybe they are fallen. Not sure there is a difference in the end, just the path.

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Yeah most of us are "stupid" at one time or another, at least. But some of them do seem to be making a career of stupidity. It is a shame, really. But there is a well financed effort to produce more of it, since stupidity can be very profitable. Funny thing about capitalism, that. It is also really good at harnessing evil. Not so sure I like how that is working out lately.

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Freedom from religion was a cause championed by many early Baptists. Not today's phony southern variety, but the old time ABC Baptists who were often persecuted or worse for their practices in the old country. We would not have separation of church and state without the Baptists.

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Ah, smells and bells, I like that. Church was, after all, the earliest multi-media extravaganza. I was particularly taken by the crazy stained glass windows with their stories when I was young, and to some extent by the long pipes of the organist's pedals. But I was mostly scared for who ever had to change the light bulbs way up in the ceiling.

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Yeah, that weird Grounds for Sculpture garden that the Johnson and Johnson rich kid did outside Princeton. Wacky and weird and sometimes wonderful place.

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In an interview, the author of the report made a parallel point: that separation of church and state was championed by Protestants terrified that with the influx of Italians and Irish, the Pope would get a foothold in some states and dominate American religion.

There's a better argument, though: separating the two protects religion from being seen by the people as a mere arm of government. As a result, Americans practice religion at much higher rates than in most developed nations.

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A very wise man.

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Yes. They're "Christians."

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...OR savvy use of social media.

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Well, just look at drumpster....

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My SO refuses to get rid of his - even though we have no way of using them. The packrat gene is strong in him.

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When I get a chance, I remind xtians about the Biblical verse of 'angels unaware'.

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…in time.

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Yep... ex-smoker here as well. I can't smoke anything without inhaling it... and inhaling a cigar is just gross...

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