April Fools Day really interfered with my Smingus Dingus too!

(That's a Polish holiday, not a body part, btw)

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Most kids young enough to voluntarily join an easter egg hunt -- even if they're raised and homeschooled and totally immersed in right-wing religious circles -- haven't yet developed the capacity for abstract thinking you need to understand wtf "the empty tomb that gives them life" is supposed to mean. It's just one of a hundred things some adult lectured at them about and they either memorized it well enough to repeat on demand or, if nobody was checking, ignored it entirely. Trust me, they're thinking about snacks, cartoons, farts, or how they can most endanger their own lives when no adults are looking. Okay, maybe that's just my kids, but you know what I mean.

I didn't know any of this was happening on Sunday, because not only was I at church that morning, I'd been at church on Saturday for the vigil mass (plus rehearsal before and drinks after -- the priest made us all "corpse revivers", lol). And I'd been at church for Good Friday, and for Maundy Thursday. That Biden guy must be pretty bad at canceling Easter, because I sure did a lot of it!

There are no words for how much I despise the way they act like Christianity itself has been victimized if a trans person somewhere might be happy. First, Jesus didn't tell you shit about hating trans people, you fuckers made that whole thing up yourselves. And second, I know you didn't read a word of the NT, because basically everything between the gospels and the revelation is how to follow your faith even if someone is currently tossing you into a pit of hungry leopards. Also, I was not looking carefully, but I assume the trans members of the parish were there on Easter, living and worshipping as they choose, sorry to break your brains with this being a free country and all.

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I spent zero time as a child giving any shits about Jesus or his tomb.

I was, however, fascinated by the bright fake easter grass.

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Smoked a lot of it myself!

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What about next year? The right will loose their collective minds on 4/20. Smoke a bowl for Jezus!!!!

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It’s nothing about Trans Vis Day falling on Easter, or even really about trans people existing (although of course they would prefer they NOT). It is absolutely about TVD falling on Easter DURING AN ELECTION YEAR. There are so many of these politicians (said with a sneer) who couldn’t give a fart in a hurricane about trans people, except for the fact they are a convenient rallying cry for their deplorable voters.

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I never saw such a bunch of whiny babies simply dying to be victims.

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The simply dying part would be ok.

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𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑔𝑢𝑦 ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑛’𝑡 𝑚𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑘𝑖𝑑𝑠, 𝑤𝑒 𝑑𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘.

And that, boys and girls, is what we here at Wonkette call a Nice Times.

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Many “Christians” embrace Trump, a heathen adulterer bigot if there ever was one, which is by itself enough to throw all credibility into the pond. They embrace Trump, a fake Christian, but they despise transgender people and gay people and brown people and people who simply do not share their beliefs. It’s ironic that Trump himself, by courting the Christians and evangelicals and “identifying” as one himself, has done so much to push people further away from religion. You don’t think we all saw him spraying tear gas at people to clear a path to a church that didn’t want him there so he could hold a Bible upside down and prove he’s a godly man? You think decent people want any part of any group that embraces a man like that? Yet, they’ll happily attack and disparage Joe Biden, an actual devout catholic. Get the F outta here with that nonsense.

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"Children of Easter egg-decorating age? Goodness. This guy hasn’t met many kids, we don’t think."

There's probably good reasons for that..

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Probably a restraining order for starters.

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"Their whines are not real and they are not worthy of anyone’s consideration." Thanks, Evan!

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A coworker today spoke of Easter being replaced. I tried to explain that Easter floats around on the calendar and landed on this date. She of course pivoted to how she really thinks Biden is the antichrist.

They don't want to hear anything but what they're being fed.

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They have chosen what to believe and picked their authority figure. Facts, logic, reason? Those have no place for them now.

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Good God, we went through this with a Ten Commandments monument at my state capitol. Then in all fairness the Church of Satan got to put up their monument. Were the Christians happy then? No they were not.

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Can these fucking people please go find another planet.

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Evangelicals declare: "Zombie Jesus lives again! And those who don't believe are condemned to hell!"

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Cue the relevant meme: "You're going to Hell!' "Who's in Hell?" "People like you." "Who's in Heaven?" "People like me." "You need to work on your threats."

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These people are fucking exhausting. They are awful liars.

Shame on them.

Shame on the "good" Christians, who like "good" cops, keep propping up a broken institution where terrible people thrive, even as they say they aren't like "those people" - well, you keep the lights on don't you?

I married a Christian missionary who was also a religious studies major. He is not religious anymore. Woo. He still helps people, he just did away with the god nonsense.

I was very amicable to the concept Christ and "faith" myself for many years. I even had a powerful and deeply religious psychotic experience that left me manic for a week. I can probably read most of these "pastors" to filth using only Matthew 7. Ironically, Jesus's parable of a tree and its fruit in that same Matthew 7 is one of the best arguments *against* Christianity there is.

When I say this, it's probably going to rub some people the wrong way, but I feel like I came by my position honestly:

Religion in general, and Christianity in particular, is at best, a mug's game, and at worst it is toxic.

Jesus washes you in the blood of non-accountability for your transgressions, and anoints you eternal Karen- "GET THEE BEHIND ME, MANAGEMENT"

It's bullshit. Faith without works is useless. Works without faith still feeds people.

Everything else is just rationalizations.

And it hurts people already in the margins.

Find a better hobby. You want the social aspect? Join a gang.

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Christianity creates either doormats or dictators- nothing in between

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jebus h pete

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