It's cause when Cawthorn went there a koala gave him chlamydia.

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Accoridng to Cawthorn, not any more - but probably not before either.

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What do you mean 'secretly'? He's a Repub, isn't he?They've been planning to kill everybody who doesn't agree with them for decades!

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this is my go to line whenever i have a bad traffic interaction (me: always biker, them: always assholes).

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Eat shit you fucking turd!

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Methane-powered snakeboard.

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He took a shitload of heat for that scene and had to rehabilitate his career. Ridiculous, of course.

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Damn! You made me look at him again! But you have a point.

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ǝɔıʌɹǝs ɔılqnd ɐ ǝuop ǝʌɐɥ noʎ

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but you know, its not ok to tell parents screaming death threats at school boards that they can't do that cos cancel culture? i haz a confuz

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It's the circle-jerk of GQP Life. It's his turn to do the light-weight lifting of outrage so his party can slink past, take the Fed bucks they voted against, and tell their voters they are doing Gob's work.

In other news, Steve Scalise is still saying the election was stolen, and many, many other rank lies. MSN channels continue to not push back, but happily invite those who voted against the peaceful transfer of power on to they can spew how bad Biden is.

Next up, Boebert has something to say about guns and protecting their Gob-given way of life from commies, so they can stop them from cancel culturing Brandon!

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"Immigrants, they get the job done"

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He is an open Hitler worshipper, who else would have "visit the Eagle's Nest" on their bucket-list?

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Okay, I finally just now figured out you're a guy.

Harvard Phucking College...

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