I remember when I had just enough brains to fry. Oh wait. No, I don't.

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Pence desperately wanted to do what Trump wanted. He was just too stupid to figure out how.

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I did not know "modernly" was a word. You learn something every day.

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Wonkette: Come for the snark and the dick jokes, stay for the etymological edification!

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Sez here that John Eastman is the Distinguished Chair of the Department of Applied Capricorn Fellatio for the Claremont Institute, and now you have read it on the internets and know therefore that he does indeed blow goats.

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The only platform this traitor is entitled to is the one he stands on while they fit the noose around his neck.

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How made up sounding a name is "The Claremont Institure?" If I was going to make up a phony "think" tank, that's what I'd name it.

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What the hell is wrong with his collar in that photo?? It's like he's got two necks in there.

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Corporations can steal worker's salaries and pensions, but the politicians they bought can't steal an election? That doesn't seem fair.

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Whatcha thinkin about?

Oh, just insurrectionist stuff, I guess.

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The novel "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis comes closer to how a successful Fascist revolution can happen here than George Orwell novels, including blaming minorities for problems, extreme misplaced patriotism, essentially gerrymandering states into larger administrative districts to quell dissent from states, and a willingness to surrender rights in order to control some imagined danger to our safety. It also includes a peep into the eventual power struggles, including military interventions, as the promised prosperity fails to occur.

This was written in 1935, when there was a struggle by some rich industrialists like Henry Ford and popular figures like Charles Lindbergh in the US to encourage Hitler type policies here. I read it a few years ago, when Trump was campaigning in 2016. I need to read it again to see how close we came to the same outcome in 2020.

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They lie about everything.

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I really was hoping the Claremont institute had something to do with mutants.

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jowly, bloated assholes libelz.

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The "American Mind" is a closed one: no words are permitted, other than the ones they choose to spew.

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