Costco actually pays workers a living wage and provides benefits unlike that bunch of assholes from Arkansas and their warehouse club. I get my medicines mail order from them (cheapest around) and they have non-cruelty veal. Their prepared meatloaf and mashed potatoes in the deli section is a standby of mine and I always grab their $1.50 giant hot dog and soda. So if you creation myth fans bitch about the misplacement of a book you already have a dozen copies of I hope I'm in the store to pour a half gallon of mustard on your heads.

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If there's a "boring" section, that'd be the place.

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It's publicly-traded, but they do pay regular employees an actual wage. (I believe the ladies peddling samples are, however, part-timers).

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Mistranslation -- that's supposed to be "Blessed are the Cheeseheads".

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Admit it: You'd <i>love</i> to see my annotated edition.

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Remainders, I think they're called.

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2,000 years later, and he's still looking for brains.

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Um, exactly!<br /><br />Sent from my iPhone

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Wait, Simi Valley is a real place?


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Science textbook... Prequel to US history... Study guide for understanding the US Constitution (just the second half of the book, though)... Textbook for Gender Studies...

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This is so wrong.

As well all know, it belongs in the <i>Science</i> section.

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"Blessed are the skullcrushers, for they shall inherit whatever the folks with the crushed skulls had."

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Yes - I asked right away if they wanted information about Haitian Voodoo, but they were hoping for something different. I got several blank looks.

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You may laugh, but if Costco had labeled MLP:FiM as "fiction," I suspect you'd be singing a different tune. <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=4By8YHOnILo" target="_blank">Probably this one</a>.

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Or MP3s through earjacks.

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At least the Southern Baptists stayed true to the biblical guidance on slavery.

[saw "Twelve Years a Slave" last night and it's hard to get it out of the ol' noggin]

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