Ta, Evan. Like the rest of the Civilized World™️ I want to see Ukraine fully funded and able to keep the Orc invaders from Putin's goals.

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If this were proposed for a book it would never sell. Too unrealistic the editors would say. Aint truth stranger than fiction!

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(Will Wonkette ever write a post about Mike Johnson without finding a way to bring that up early and often? No.)

it needs to be brought up again and again until there is some indication that the very obvious national security issue it poses is being addressed by serious people.

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Plus his bank accounts. Or lack thereof.

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McCarthy was a real dick and acted like it was the democrats’ job to save his ass without anything in return.

Looks like MAGA Mike has learned from Kevin’s mistake.

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Democrats are playing chess, and Empty G's playing tiddly winks, and she really isn't any good at it.

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Bravo, Evan, pour it on. Rep. Mike Johnson (R. Wanker) should wear his Cone of Shame as long as the rivers run and the sun rises. Let him never escape the fate he volunteered for, the sap.

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"Daddy falls off the boner wagon" sounds like he's in more danger of falling off the Boehner wagon right now?

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"(Look, Mike Johnson! That’s what it looks like when a leader has respect from his caucus!)"

Also, too: Look, Mike Johnson! That's what it looks like when a caucus has a leader they can respect.

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For some reason I'm seeing a lot of Nancy in this game, still.

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Her name was McGill

and she called herself Lill

But everyone knew her as Nancy

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…this illustrates so firmly that republicans DO NOT want and CAN NOT govern - they want to RULE, therefore it proves that two party system is just one step to autocracy

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You call 250 years "one step"?

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…huh ? …what the fuck 250 years have to go with it ? …as i said - politically impaired people

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Fine, did not realize you were a huffer.

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Then what should we replace it with?

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…a duck and a goose, what kind of question is this ? …are you completely politically impaired ?


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Wise up and show some courtesy, pal.

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…i’m not your fucking “pal”, “wise up” ?! …GFY

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I don't have a Washington Post subscription, so I can't see your erudite evidence.

Are you completely online impaired?

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…any comment on substance ?

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Upfist for Democrattin'!

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Speaking of the funding mechanism behind the entire right wing

"Ugh. I didn’t know until now that the Board of Trustees of the Heritage Foundation, the lead organizer of Project 2025, includes Rebekah Mercer (founder of Reclaim NY whose board has included Steve Bannon & Leonard Leo) & Hillsdale president Larry Arnn."


Good to read all the names so we know who these people are and we can recognize these names next time when they're trying to sneak around to do something else


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okay, four more reservations on the next tumbrel, got it.

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At least

Gotta make room for the ones who were in jail and got pardoned -- Bannon, Manafort, Roger Stone ...

... as well as the ones who should be under indictment but are not -- Ronna Romney McDaniel, Perjury Failure Greed, every House Republican from Paul Gosar to Gym Jordan

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the tumbrel factory needs to adopt the assembly line, otherwise they'll never keep up with demand.

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"“Marjorie is playing chess, not checkers. She’s looking at the long game, and she’s holding all the cards on this one,” Burchett added. “And I think it’s an attempt on her part to move the Republican party to a more conservative area — where our base is.”"

This dude isn't reading her for filth in that article...

Chess? Well, she said she liked the "horsies"....

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Haven't played chess in quite a while- when did cards enter the game? Has Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh taken over the ancient game?

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It's Metaphor MadLibs with this kind of illiterate.

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Chess? MTG is no Anya Taylor-Joy.

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MTG is an example of taking penis envy to the extreme conclusion of becoming one.

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Penis slander.

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Exactly. She's the Queen of Penisland

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Russia proverb involving freezing songbird, factory worker, cow pie, and a fox (that’s enough details for search) moral “He who puts you in shit ain’t always bad, and he who pulls you from shit ain’t always good, but if you get stuck in shit, “Don’t sing” is applicable here.

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"Politico is full of juicy quotes from Republicans who hate her, by the way, if you’re into that sort of thing."

Sure, I've been known to enjoy the occasional hate fuck.

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