Creepy Bigots Declare Tim Walz Race Traitor For 'White Guy Tacos' Joke
No way that 'weird' label is sticking to THEM!
If you haven’t taken ten minutes to watch this charming little video of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz talking about the campaign, their favorite music, and less serious things, here it is for you to enjoy, because it will make you feel pretty good about this election we have coming.
Walz, by the way, says Springsteen’s The River opened his eyes to the power of music, and that his first car, a used orange ‘73 Camaro, had an 8-track player in which the first owner left a copy of Bob Seger’s Night Moves, a tape he still plays in the 8-track player of his lovingly-restored 1979 International Scout. Harris reminisces about her mother’s collection of every single Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder album, on vinyl, which she still has, and notes that at home, she likes hip-hop, while Second Husband Doug Emhoff leans toward Depeche Mode. But they both love Prince. (There is, yes, a mention of a Venn diagram.)
However charming we crazed socialist America-haters might find the video, the first little bit about Walz eating “white guy tacos,” where he plays up the stereotype that Midwesterners of a certain cultural background cannot stomach spicy food, has enraged the most easily enraged people online: white nationalist assholes and their cousins, MAGA droolers who pretend that any joke about white guys is RACIST and DIVISIVE. It’s easily the worst thing Walz has done since he murdered Italian-American culture and stole all the valor.
Let’s briefly review the disgusting, bigoted things Walz said — further exacerbated by Harris! — that will fan the flames of anti-white hatred and probably lead to either race war or sustained pouting on Fox News until the election, shall we?
WALZ: I have white guy tacos and like …
HARRIS: Like, mayonnaise and tuna? What do you do?
WALZ: Pretty much. Ground beef and cheese, yeah.
HARRIS: That’s okay. Do you put any flavor in it?
WALZ: Ah, no. Here’s the deal: They said to be careful and let her know this, that black pepper is the top of the spice level in Minnesota.
You and I see a pleasant, innocuous bit of goofy regional humor. The Online Right sees in those 16 seconds a race traitor who’ll need to be hanging from a light pole on the Day of the Rope, and the threatening Angry Black Woman who will emasculate all Aryans just as she did Walz.
The absolute worst of the lot was Gab founder and disgusting white power ranger Andrew Torba, who whined (link to screenshot, no click revenue for Torba) that the bit was a
phoney and obviously scripted anti-White hate clip with the self-hating White man belittling himself to the cackling brown woman, a brilliant campaign move to entertain braindead White libs who love this stuff because they hate themselves and their people.
Yes, the other little hate-piglets all squealed their assent in the comments, competing to agree that white self-hate is the greatest danger the nation faces, etc.
In addition to a whole bunch of overt Nazis taking offense, the bog-standard MAGA people were also plenty offended, because how dare you people claim to oppose racism and then deploy it against white people you hypocrites. Here’s a typical exchange, between Fox News person David Marcus and rightwing radio guy Larry O’Connor, who we wouldn’t have known exists if Mediaite hadn’t mentioned him.
MARCUS: This isn’t cute. Walz is being used as a clown to mock white people. If Walz doesn’t like spicy food that’s fine, but it has nothing to do with being a white guy.
O’CONNOR: It's like a minstrel show lampooning white, Midwest stereotypes.
Come and see the oppression! It’s exactly like centuries of blackface performances that cemented in the white imagination the certainty that Black people were degenerate in every way, only it’s about Midwestern white people not liking spicy food, which is surely just as harmful.
Professionally White Grievance Artist Matt Walsh was also shocked, shocked, insisting that it was
Crazy that a presidential candidate can just casually let out some blatant anti-white racism and nobody cares. Imagine if Donald Trump said that a “black guy taco” was made with fried chicken and watermelon. Nuclear meltdown.
Well, that would be weird if Donald Trump said that, because watermelon and fried chicken don’t normally go in tacos, although they might be delicious. We expect Donald Trump to say it by 3 p.m. today.
We can only assume that legislation is already being written in several states to ban racially divisive references to spice intolerance, lest hate crimes follow.
And just to top it all off with the hottest outrage sauce MAGAs could come up with (likely a negative number on the Scoville scale), intrepid online idiot Mike Cernovich found a definitive GOTCHA proving Walz to be a LIAR AND HYPOCRITE. It seems that in a 2022 twitter post, Walz shared his recipe for “Turkey Taco Tot Hotdish,” which won the Minnesota congressional delegation's 2016 hotdish competition. It even included this incriminating photo of the award!!!!!
Cernovich triumphantly posted the proof, with the spicy ingredients ENLARGED so the whole world could see Walz’s perfidy.
See, See? Tim Walz is lying about eating only bland white guy food!
You know what that is? It’s STOLEN PALLOR!
OK, gonna fire myself for that one and go to lunch. I have the weirdest craving for this one fast food place nearby. Maybe I can catch a ride with Tim and listen to The Cars.

Yr Wonkette will keep on top of this scandal as it develops, especially if Walz claims to like Twinkies, signaling that he intends to stockpile all the indestructible snack cakes for liberals to enjoy during the coming civil war.
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If you don't love, "It’s STOLEN PALLOR!" then you don't deserve to be a Wonketteer.
Did anyone notice how the white guy highlighted all the spicy ingredients in the recipe, and to make it to 3 he had to fall back on "garlic powder" and "onion powder".
I mean, COME THE FUCK ON, WYPIPO. Can you even TRY to make us sound like not-wimps? Fucking ONION POWDER is a hot & spicy ingredient? Go home, you're valium'd.