<i>"Newmyer filed for divorce in 2009. At the time, the couple had two daughters under the age of five. Instead of divorcing, they signed a settlement agreement that would allow Mehrbach and the children to move to Washington while Newmyer remained in Palm Beach."</i>

Yeah, that was one happy (sacred heterosexual) marriage that the affair ruined. At some point, the judge is gonna ask what,exactly, was lost that was worth $10 mil.

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Fucking hormones.

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The Confederacy delivers?

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Me too. I mean for that one porno I once saw accidentally when I searched for "facial jizz blast" by mistake, instead -- as I explained to the HR department -- "racial jazz blast" about music.

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this is like westeros only with fewer actual dragons.

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What's with the face? I can think of several more desirable targets.

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i don't really know about any of this.

i just want to know why the tardis doesn't like clara.

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Yeah, what does the Newmyers' CSA delivery boy have to say about all of this?

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You see Terry, when a man and a woman love each other, but the woman is married to someone else, the man takes his penis and...


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I heard they rented the Lincoln Bedroom for their love nest.

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