"... so many great Americans that shed their blood or gave the ultimate sacrifice..."

The way "or" is just tossed in there is worthy of Duh Gov' herself!

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Accidental Traitor.

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Biscuit? I am thinking it's more of a cake's we like's.

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That seems like a misspelling.

Taste? (Smash into a) paste? Aha! It has to be 'baste.'

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Distinction without a difference.

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Mark "Two Badges" Kessler.

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Free form tyranny oppression and dictatorship is the best kind. You get those smooth riffs from the secret police and then a driving up tempo from the paramilitaries, and it's just killah.

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Because he's a TRUE patriot, dammit!!

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Yes, there's nothing remotely Hitleresque about wanting to <a href="http:\/\/wiki.answers.com\/Q\/Why_did_Adolf_Hitler_and_the_Nazis_hate_communism" target="_blank">cleanse a nation of lefties</a>.

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Mother stabbers!

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Needz moar foaming pig shit.

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Oh. My. God. The comments on that story. My favorite:

"You are absolutely wrong. He put Black people in Africa, Yellow people in China, and Red people in the Americas. When the Red people didn't want the Americas anymore they gave it to the White people from England. GOD segragated us in the begining so are you saying he was wrong? Nope."

(and yes, this guy was serious. I checked his profile and he is always saying pig-ignorant* things)

*my apologies to pigs.

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Interesting names there. Sounds like very few can claim descent from the Pilgrim Fathers.

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He must have a speed trap somewhere.

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Well, and it helped that the arrival of European infectious diseases, even without those blankets, killed off up to 90% of the indigenous population of the Americas before white men even reached the interior of the continent, so that they were really unable to resist. Oh wait- for that guy, this would be God just clearing the way for the white folks.

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You sure that wasn't Susquehanna, like the river?

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