Lies make baby Jesus cry

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Remember before the internet, when any complete fucking asshole didn't have a world-wide platform to spew hate-mongering bullshit?

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Or family values, or accountability?

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So according to this dipshit, I’m not a man any more because I’ve had a vasectomy and can no longer fertilize an ovum.

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Why waste a good board? There are lots of rocks.

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Remember Kevin Swanson, the fundie who wants to execute gay people?

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Yeah, he's all about wimminz rights.

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And this is different from the incitement to genocide in Rwanda how?

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"genocide refers to genes"

I'm not Italian, but I still think genocide has more to do with "gente" than with "genes."

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"there is no toilet technology that can magically determine whether someone entering a restroom either has a vagina or was born with the one that was detected."

It sounds like there is a real market for a vagina-detecting toilet. The technology doesn't actually seem that difficult - the problem would be all the embarrassment and lawsuits that would flow each time it got it wrong.

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No, his definition has you covered. Your reproductile system was developed to fertilize ova, even if it is no longer in the mood to do so..

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Back then, we thought that greater communication between geographically isolated people and freer exchange of information would end bigotry and bring about universal brotherhood.

We also thought it was worthwhile to have a complete set of the Encylopedia Britannica on the shelves.

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No, not off the top of my head. But he is by no means alone in that thinking. I'm not exaggerating - the QAnon Cretins want you and me dead. These morons truly believe we are demonic. And by "we" I mean every single Democrat in the country.

I've been reading their Idiot Board for about three years now and there's never, ever been a Democrat any QAnon Cretin has praised in any way, shape or form. They really do hate all of us, no exceptions.

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Slightly OT - what is the obsession with transwomen? Are they ok with transmen?

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They're desperately, existentially, mindlessly terrified of being attracted to one, a la' "The Crying Game"

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Honestly, at that point it's time to go O.G Antifa on their https://uploads.disquscdn.c... asses

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