here in Norway we have 3 distinct emergency numbers, 112 is cops, 113 is medical, and 110 for fire.

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so I just looked it up, it's easy to "overdose" on PCP. which means taking enough to make you act super crazy, but you have to take a ton of it to actually die from overdose, and the symptoms that usually precede dying from it is basically being comatose. that guy didn't look like he was comatose in the video as the cops were killing him

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Also those agencies and services need to be set up with on call 24 / 7 responders to be ready to take the call. It's a huge infrastructure change that needs to take place and it will take time to get it in place.

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Sad to say but Daniel Prude is another name in a long list of them where someone having a mental health episode is killed by police after well meaning family members try to call for help.Him being black all but ensured he would be dead.

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My younger brother made a very stupid decision, after a breakup, to indulge with some party drug he bought on the internet. Not at all in character for him, so it was an unusual event. He had a bad reaction, checked right out, stripped down naked, busted out a window and crawled out it. He was running around in the street, naked and bloody, and yelling. My mother was outside trying to grab him to drag him back inside. He was not threatening, but clearly in a state of mental health crisis. Someone called the cops. They showed up, grabbed him, and helped bring him back inside, then made my mom take him to the ER for a checkup. Then he had a mandatory court appearance. He was never arrested. He got probation. Did I mention this was in Albuquerque, where cops have a very public history of killing people in mental health crises? Did I also mention, little bro is lily white, like myself?

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Lots of people keen for a civil war on both sides, here. Lots of people don't seem to remember that "Red regions" have large populations of Black, Latinx and Native peoples who will be left to become serfs or exterminated.

Bioregions, now that's plausible and feasible, but political partitions have NEVER EVER EVER worked. Ireland. Israel/Palestine. India/Pakistan. Cyprus. Bosnia. Recipes for making a hot civil war a permanent cold civil war over decades. Not an improvement.

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You realize that I was just being silly of course. I would not want my dad my in-laws, my kids' friends, and all my coworkers to get deported to whatever least-populated area would displace the fewest people.

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[Buffy bot enters the room with everyone there]Xander Harris: Hey, I know this. They're *both* Buffy.Buffy Summers: No. She's a robot. She acts just like that girlfriend-bot that Warren guy made. You guys couldn't tell me apart from a robot?

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I take it that the Master's degree and the Certification don't necessarily ensure a higher rate of pay? I was waiting for someone to correct me!

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And the 7 cops got a paid vacation for which the city might get sued. America has gone back to the days of lynching by the “serve and protect” gang.

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Well, that's plain wrong and I stand corrected.

Mental health should be a much higher budget priority than it is today.

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Sorry, no, I didn't realise you were being silly. A lot of people are saying that seriously, like the Civil War was a mistake. It doesn't do good to joke about such things when some assholes might try to "politically cleanse" entire areas. Imagine if they ran through Jackson, Mississippi, trying to drive Black progressives from their homes and force-march them to... where the fuck is the nearest "blue state" to Mississippi?

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I believe many people would be happy to make a substantive argument that we never left those days.

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"discarded wad of gum" - is Steve Bannon back again?

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They often seem to believe they are an army occupying a conquered nation, and to act like it.Somehow I keep thinking of a chapter epigraph in Jack Vance's science fiction novel THE STAR KING. It could've come right from a serious non-fiction essay."Humanity many times has had sad experience of super-powerful police forces ... they become arbitrary, merciless, a law unto themselves. They think no more of justice, but only of establishing themselves as a privileged and envied elite.... presently they start to swagger back and forth, jingling their weapons in megalomaniac euphoria. People thereupon become not masters, but servants. Such a police force becomes merely an aggregate of uniformed criminals, the more baneful in that their position is unchallenged and sanctioned by law."When an SF action melodrama, written by a conservative gentleman at that, makes more sense than the U.S. President, things are bad.

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I bet they tightened that hood juuuuuust enough to smother him without breaking the hyoid bone--which would indicate strangulation.

I bet they have fucking workshops on how to asphyxiate without evidence. <spits>

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