That bible verse about "First get rid of the log in your own eye" doesn't apply here, because his prostitute had specific rules about never letting him dook on her face.

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I guess the advantage of having an affirmed whore scat enthusiast as your senator is that you at least know <i>one</i> thing that he can't be blackmailed with.

So, in the Bizarro world way that we find ourselves in, there is no fear that he could be compromised by someone publicly revealing such gross behavior. His poopstitutey past apparently makes him a stronger choice! If only all other senators would reveal their disgusting debauchery, then we could be sure they were all as upstanding and trustworthy as Vitter is.

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But he says he became "a stronger person and better family man after receiving forgiveness" so it's a win-win, scatologically speaking. What a 'load'.

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Shouldn’t the diapers be doing the apologies? I’m so confused.

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For those of you unexposed to this culture and unfamiliar with it, let me explain something. What Senator Poopypants embodies here is not careless inconsistency and hypocrisy. There is a venerable tradition of yin-and-yanglike interconnection between disgusting depravity alternating with righteous sanctimoniousness. Martin Luther (the non-King one) famously said, "Sin boldly that grace may abound." It's kind of like "hunger is the best sauce." You never know how fantastic forgiveness is until you've done something really repulsive beforehand. A heroin high is SO much better after you've been clean awhile. Having a personal history of epic nastiness actually gives you bragging rights in the fundamentalist community. You wanna talk about "a wretch like me"? Lemme tell you what I used to do in Washington when the wife was at her mother's back home....

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Vits has suffered enough. He needs some supportive huggies.

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Y habla espanol

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It's true. They call it their "testimony." The ones who have prostitutes and poopy diapers in their testimonies can really draw crowds, or pack the pews, if you will. HEY-O!

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Pook 12:3-4 Disgusting Acts 32:7.

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It's a race to the bottom. We lose.

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