That's the mawashi's version of "How Not To Be Seen"

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I miss the days when my stuffed animals would help me with my math homework....(actually, they didn't, but maybe I miss the days when I imagined that they could...aw f---! I need more coffee.)

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"Oh, c'mon boys! Vertical stripes make you look thinner! Get in the picture and quit making faces at that dog"....

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dressed as Tweedledee and Tweedledum...

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Ah come on, just Buybull Christofacists doing Gawd's holy work in loving children who are being persecuted. GoFundThemAll.

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THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!https://youtu.be/mvnq_W0i3Bs

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Is there something wrong with me that I actually find the acromegalic dude kind of attractive?(must be my age)

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the dog goes by the name 'breakfast'.

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Oh, wait a minute. That was all Mike Huckabee...What a twist!

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i love cinnamon! When God came home one day while creating the universe his wife husband spouse asked "How was your day dear?" And God replied, "Great! I invented cinnamon today."

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Just a matter of time before Huck gets caught in a motel room with a gay hooker and a bag of meth

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Y walks into a bar and orders a beer. Bartender asks why he's so sad, and Y says, "I'm having trouble with my X."(It's my first attempt at algebra jokes, sorry....)

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Or posters with targets/crosshairs placed over Senators heads?

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Going to Golden Corral with this bunch would be an unforgettable experience

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I never knew Huck was John Candy's dad

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