Roods is looking more and more like Otzi the Iceman.

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Who will reveal their "overwhelming evidence" first: Roodles, or Mike Pillow?

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Oh Ruuuuuuuubbbbby.... don't take yer love to Moscow.

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At Trump's $100k/plate legal fundraiser dinner, only 12 plates showed up. Donald took $200k.

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Sep 16, 2023Β·edited Sep 16, 2023

They used to talk about Obama playing 3D Vulcan chess.

Roody just plays sloe gin.

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Well I was gonna post this, then I realized I was mis-remembering the lyrics and it's cold gin, not sloe gin. But a YouTube search shows I'm not the only one who thought that so here. One from the vaults.


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I suppose hubris (a species of outrageous insolence) sometimes propels Rudy, Donald and their ilk to fame and power -- given how clueless so much of the public is, how could it be otherwise? -- but there's also no end of trouble it can get them into. Both of these crass, power-hungry narcissists are now getting bankrupted and possibly stripped of their freedom by criminal and civil courts. Couldn't happen to a couple of nicer guys.

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It remains to be seen if they can grift enough cash from the clueless rubes who support them to pay all the costs. That's why I want jail time, and lots of it, for all of these seditious criminal assholes.

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I'm Rudy, and I'm here to help.

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The fact that there's no chance that Giuliani will be invited to lead the impeachment prosecution makes me terribly sad. There are no second acts in American lives, I guess.

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everything he listed would be inadmissible, for being to corrupted and unable to lay a foundation for its admission. So, no witnesses and no admissible evidence, what else ya got, Roodles?

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"I know how to question a lot better than they do. […] This is what I do best."

If you had done a little questioning of yourself around 2020, you wouldn't be in this mess.

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Is it evil of me to want this to happen or just hysterically cynical?

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How big must the blinders have to be for anyone to take anything Roodles says seriously? Oh. Newsmax size. Got it.

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If we grade on the curve, Roodles is somewhere in the middle of insane right wingers who talk too much.

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So there's a chance we'll see Rep. Adam Schiff rhetorically dismember Chram Man/Person/Tree ?

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Rudolphith J.J. Giulliani, cybertorney, esq.

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The blood alocohol level of just that photo is approximately .32

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I want to see him do it, and here's why:

1. TV writers and actors are on strike, so there are no new or returning sitcoms. This will be as funny as heck.

2. I want to see his eyes bulge out and the hair dye drain down his face again.

3. I want to see and hear his alcoholic examination and the witnesses, Congress critters, and media all try to keep a straight face.

4. I want to see him add more material to the charges against him.

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