Some rethugs should be using this as a metric of how much the public hates the Ryan Plan; if they can't even sell it to Republicans. . . .

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That was so weird. I watched it happen. Well I'm sure you're very nice in that regard.

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Splitting the Dem vote just makes it stronger!

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That's our long time downfister. The new girl couldn't deal/waste her time.

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This is starting to be like a Black Friday sale at Costco. "Mine!" "Wrong,mine,bitch!"

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nope you're not. if for no other reason than he represents a lost political discourse. i do not believe this country is as far right as the republican party. i for one would like a viable opposition.

i have a BFF who went to school with him and routinely gripes that brooks is not at all the intellectual he claims to be and doesn't deserve his prominence (though this may be a classic case of U of C sour grapes).

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10 more says he braids it...aka Heidie pigtails.

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live by the call for JOBZ. die by the call for JOBZ.

oh, yeah there's a little schadenfreude on the left today.

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Well worth the clicky click.

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I hope we are all saving up the monies for the voter photo ids necessary for the recall votes in July for poor Wisconsin.

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Well, to be fair it's just upstate NY.

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> In response to her heroic support for Paul Ryan’s budget plan, which would end Medicare in favor of an innovative program called “widespread human suffering,” Jane Corwin has been given an award by Pat Boone, spokesman for the 60-Plus association. Boone was a famous singer in the days before it was learned that music could convey human emotions.

Thanks for the link!

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The 26th is carefully drawn along party lines; it's intended to be the Staten Island of Buffalo.

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So basically, they're complaining about not getting their fair share of the nut demographic? My heart bleeds.

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"More tea! More tea!"

(That's really obscure, I know, but Gennie drinkers might get it.)

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<i>"...tripping over themselves..."</i>

I mean, really, how hard can that be to do? Oh wait! You said the Sunday shows, where intelligent debate goes to die. Nevermind.

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