It has been a blue moon or three.

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Well, one benefit of climate change: All the money republicans are hiding in Caribbean tax shelters is gonna be underwater.

It is sickening to see mature, adult policy makers still arguing against climate change. It is not debatable and we have run out of time to curtail it. We can only control the level of catastrophe.

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I believe it is only a matter of time before economic sanctions will be brought against countries refusing to address climate change. This cannot continue.

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Gem libelz! She's a good cow.

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I've heard that if you have a factory defective baby, you can go to your local co-op to trade it in for a free-range baby.

Either that, or Mike Lee is a moron.

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Geez, that makes me feel old.

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And just why do you want all the buggy whip manufacturers to starve, hmmmmmmmm?

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(not that we would)

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❤️ Rachel Carson

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Dear Ted,The American energy industry as we know it is going to kill our grandchildren. Maybe even our children. You have some, and I don't want them dying because of some wacked out notion of party politics you have. Signed,I Shouldn't Care About Your Kids, But I Do (So sue me because someone has to care about them since you don't.)

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I've said it for over 30 years; we need to save the oil to make plastics with, not to make cars go places.

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Thanks so much, Stephen.

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Well they don't seem to care about him either, so it's fine and good.

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From the earliest mentions of this problem, we have let the Right control the conversation. Climate change advocates were depicted as wild-eyed, tree-hugging hippies, foolish and clueless. The American people were inundated with "God's Will," "unsettled science," and "healthy skepticism."

This committee will have no way to affect policy, but they can use the public exposure their jobs afford to bring actual facts to the discussion. Aside from the hardcore in the Fox bubble, the American public will have access to a clear picture of the situation, easily confirming their own recent weather-related experiences. Fox News will ignore or ridicule it, but the good old MSM will have a field day with it, especially if the committee holds hearings and calls witnesses. Teevee news loves them some committee hearings. People grandstand at those, which makes for good teevee, but significant amounts of factual testimony will come along with that.

When enough Americans demanding action on this problem can overwhelm the Base at the ballot box, Republican federal officials will finally address this problem or be replaced.

Change the narrative, and you change the world.

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As is the Republican Party.

Guess which one is more destructive.

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I heard they use Bon Ami® on it.

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