And may their luck continue to hold.

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Yeah, I guess I've been standing on my head

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When you're dancing with your honey and your nose is very runny if you think it's very funny well itsnot

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The mourners sure paid. Did you hear his "me-logy"?

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Maybe they meant "soddenly"? Just spitballing, but that seems to make more sense.

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I am currently reading Steinbeck's In Dubious Battle to my students. This kind of cynical exploitation reminds me of the final scene where Mac lifts Jim's murdered body and proclaims to the striking apple pickers: "This guy never wanted anything for himself."

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uBlockorigin. kill that shit

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a client of mine was on a trip to her native England with her 16 year old daughter born and raised in the US. The child's father managed to escape from Poland and made his way to England then to US. This poor woman watched her child bleed to death on a sidewalk in London from a burst blood vessel in her neck. one never knows.

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or go mushroom picking

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So Burlap is grifting on Cubic Zirconias death. Got it.

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Now, now, if we're going to hypothetically have any place be destroyed by a nuclular terrorist attack let's leave poor innocent Reno out of it and concentrate on one particular little corner of Palm Beach.

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I first heard of and learned about DNA & RNA in Jr High Biology class in 1960 from a first year teacher who's still around and spry and a good friend and good Democrat at 90. So when I watch any of those "Forensic Files" type show I always think to myself "Hey, I remember when Donna invented that DNA shit back in '60." But, anyway, I've always thought of RNA as being DNA's less successful younger brother.

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When your nose runs and your feet smell that means you're built upside down.

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my husband had a time convincing DIL to get the vaccine because of all the misinformation out there. she's usually the smart one, and I just could not believe what I was hearing.

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Yeah lots of times, it's documented. No matter what, it's a super weird thing to say to someone at her sister's funeral.

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i don't know either

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