The Right does not have the same relationship to truth that you and I do. We see truth as a matter of accuracy, whereas they see truth as a matter of loyalty. The same thing happens in some sectors of the Left, and really anywhere where ideology / cults of personality are dominant.

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And then he went and shopped in a bodega that was actually a grocery store.

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She won the popular vote. Unfortunately, she didn't win the electoral college, which is what really matters. I wish she had won.

Either she or her campaign or both messed up by almost ignoring Ohio, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. She didn't make a lot of campaign stops in Illinois either, but Illinois is a pretty dependable blue state. I don't dislike Hillary and think she would have been a great president. But I think if you're a candidate and ignore any of the Midwest states, you do so at your own peril.

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I always thought his participation was a good thing both for representation and focusing on the potential of UBI.

Wow, I feel so wrong.

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He is a Stein-voting idiot, one of the people who actually handed the election to Trump.

Because purity does not think other people's lives matter as much as their purity.

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It was a collective effort on the part of all 'establishment-liberal' (aka Wall Street) Democrats; theirs was an Herculean task, but they...persevered(?).

The proximate cause of the DP's collapse as a national Party goes back to 1985, when the DLC took control of the DNC; and it's been downhill from there ever since:



The DLC's raison d'etre was to contest the GOP in the South by appealing to Dixiecrats with Dixiecrat-lite policies--anti-union, anti-Black, anti-progressive (however much Al From moved heaven, hell and earth to label DLC'ers as "progressives"), and above all, Wall Street friendly. And malign the Left as 'radical, unAmerican, anti-family values, elitist, and above all, anti-capitalist and anti-war. While inventing Identity Politics as the wedge to divide the Left on class, racial, and social lines.

As an organization, the DLC closed shop in the late '00s, but their alumni and fellow travelers have been running the DNC/DSCC/DCCC/DGA and almost all State Committees ever since. Which accounts for the bland, policy-vague, Identity Politics pimping, non-entities they pre-select as candidates, while fighting tooth and nail to marginalize and discredit the Left, even as they pay lip service to Leftist policies ($15/hr, the GND, but not M4A, or demilitarizing US foreign policy), only to be "triangulated" into oblivion whether they win or (mostly) lose.

And the reason is obvious: since 2006, when the DP became the official Party of Wall Street, the DNC brain trust prioritizes sucking on the corporate tits of big donors over sincerely advocating policies their natural base (minorities, the white working class, working women, the working poor, the poor, younger voters and the leftist radicals from the '60s). The things we leftists want are all antithetical to what Wall Street demands. And as we all know, money doesn't talk, it dictates.

This is why Clinton lost the nomination in '08, and the Presidency in '16. As well as why the DP lost 13 House seats in '20, and came within four states and 77K votes of losing the WH as well. Scapegoating the Left is how establishment Democrats pretend they don't have to do any serious soul-searching or genuine re-assessments of their failed policies and campaigns.

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It must be hard to get all that Iraqi, Afghani, and American blood of your hands when you need to wash them.

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And invite them to run in primaries and then advocate for third parties?

We invite them in. They eat the food, drink all the beer, shit on the floor then stand looking in from the front door yelling that the place is a fucking mess.

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They have proved it will NOT work in a small town.


It starts funny and then it is really sad.

********** A libertarian walks into a bear* ***

A tiny American town's plans for radical self-government overlooked one hairy detail: no one told the bears.

Once upon a time, a group of libertarians got together and hatched the Free Town Project, a plan to take over an American town and completely eliminate its government. In 2004, they set their sights on Grafton, NH, a barely populated settlement with one paved road.

When they descended on Grafton, public funding for pretty much everything shrank: the fire department, the library, the schoolhouse. State and federal laws became meek suggestions, scarcely heard in the town's thick wilderness.

The anything-goes atmosphere soon caught the attention of Grafton's neighbors: the bears. Freedom-loving citizens ignored hunting laws and regulations on food disposal. They built a tent city in an effort to get off the grid. The bears smelled food and opportunity.

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I have a problem. I take wonkette with coffee breaks.

Soooo I know how to wash keyboards. I literally have three I can change around.

I blame you not!

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It is just a away to arrogant about your sloth and lack of empathy.

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Someone here accused me of being an inadequately loyal partisan Democrat.

I captured that screen for forever.

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oh FFS I am so glad I missed that.

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It is a terrible idea because cryptocurrencies generate disgusting toxic amounts of carbon.

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