He takes "severance" as seriously as Marie Antoinette.

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Er, sorry, did I see you take a sensational report in The Sun, the worst, most pro-fascist of all the British tabloids, seriously?

Many of the most outrageous atrocity stories about the North Korean dictatorship are in fact "ghost stories" spread by South Korean intelligence for propaganda value (or, indeed, by North Korean spooks themselves to scare their enemies). North Korea is bad enough without believing shit like "he shot half of his negotiating team" or "he blew up his uncle with anti-aircraft fire" on nothing more than wild rumours in tabloids.

Let's just focus on what we know - Kim Jong Un is much worse than Nicolás Maduro, but Trump loves one and wants to overthrow the other.

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Religion becomes a bad thing when it becomes an excuse for doing whatever horrible thing you'd do anyway.

"I'm a Christian, so no interracial marriage" = "I'm a Muslim, so I'm REQUIRED to beat my wife". Neither Jesus nor Mohammed ever said anything of the sort, assholes.

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By American "one-drop" standards, certainly.

I remember reading an interview with a South African Colored lady (i.e. of mixed-race ancestry) who found it interesting that she was considered black in the US and white in Brazil.

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Jonathan Karl was last heard saying, "But wait a minute!"

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That was actually scheduled months ago. Trump is the rooster taking credit for the dawn again.

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If that particular heir ended up as the monarch, they'd have to play "One Nation Under A Groove" at the coronation.

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I don't understand why, after the Civil War, Lincoln didn't shut the South off and turn it back on.

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Which is different from a money shot.

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Yesterday otohcat1 came to the door of the deck. I opened it to invite her in, and she nodded instead at the dead plump vole (garnished with spring greens) that was lying on the threshold. She well knows the rules and the consequences. I told her I would let otohcat2 know that she had a delivery. I persuaded cat2 to come to the door, where she saw the vole, leapt upon it, HISSED at the gift-bearer, and dragged it a few feet away where she tore into it and ate it. Wryly affronted. That was the expression on cat1's face.

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My reset button needs 20 or 30 minutes between resets.

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There is no way to know the truth about N. Korea, unless you get it from someone who escaped from it.

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It's hard to believe that in, what could be a path to war, the United States Secretary of State actually used the phrase "the president tweeted it very clearly".

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... and even they might be DPRK double-agents sent to spread mischief.

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I read a book written by a teacher from N. Korea who had escaped. It's "In Order to Live" by Yeonmi Park. It's harrowing, to say the least.

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And here I thought Iran was in the Mid-East.

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