Have you ever watched Fox?

It's literally just a bunch of people telling you exactly what to think.. No reasoning or evidence required, just OBEY.

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Count on Arkansas to choose the illiterate anti-intellectual every time.

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I'm coming to grips with the likelihood that many of the things I'd like to see happen in this country will not occur during my lifetime. I suppose everybody has to face this fact at some point, but jeepers creepers, how will the world every survive without MEEEE???

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Don't suppose they ever asked the victims' families how they felt about that.

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Why on earth would anybody want to reassemble the pieces?

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I know that many people have difficulty finding time to stay up to date with the news, obtain information, get to the polls after picking up the kids following a tiring day at work, but FFS, can't we all spare an hour or so a week on our civic duties?

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Funny how many times in living memory the guy who lost the popular vote won office, and how he's always a republican

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Including a female candidate in Virginia, FFS. "Well, I been a cop for a lotta years, and there was only one case where somebody got pregnant from rape" --how do you know? Were they forced to stay in touch with you? And possibly, pregnancies were avoided if the victims received proper care in the hospital (the availability of which is probably in question now), you hopeless ignoramus.

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I'm afraid that's not his biggest problem.

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The sad thing is, this is no longer the Arkansas where Bill Clinton was elected governor. Arkansas will probably put Fuckabee in the Governor's Mansion. They're that far gone.

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Twenty god-forsaken years old.

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I'm not tellin' him.

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Only after the kids are born.

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It shows how callous she is. 19 children were slaughtered in their classroom. So did they happen is some other universe?

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The Democratic candidate is Black. There are enough "single issue" voters to make sure he loses.Prove me wrong, Arkansas!

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Their license-plate slogan is "The Natural State": where life is nasty, brutish, and short

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