Exactly. I believe Garland is one of these people who thinks of anybody in government, anybody who is a member of the establishment as like a Renaissance aristocrat, and he is their squire. He doesn’t work for the people he works for the bigwigs. And you just don’t indict them.

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Monica in Benghazi!!!!!If this comes to pass I will have to somehow blame you, I am sorry.

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Monica was in Benghazi and so was Hunter's laptop. Hill used it for her emails and later gifted it to Hunter. I believe Monica delivered it.

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The Singularity of conspiracy theories.I must bow to you.

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And it was not subtle. And very predictable.

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I wonder why it took them this long to hire over 100 new attorneys to help. It was money or the lack thereof, wasn't it? Not because they didn't think of it early on? *Sigh*

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He quite LITERALLY has done the VERY LEAST he could do

His DoJ is literally asking for sentences of DAYS or weeks - not years.

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exactly...The very LEAST

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I don't know. I'm pretty sure it wasn't because they were just sitting around watching piles of folders stack up while saying, "well it's not MY job!"

But let us note that, even when Garland does a helpful thing (such as vastly expanding the DoJ), people complain about that too. Beyond a certain point it seems like people will accuse Garland of incompetence no matter what happens.

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Is the ongoing investigation the reason why the UNREDACTED Mueller Report has not yet been released to the public? TFG had been worried about losing 2020 well before November 2020--doesn't it go back to his first year in office?

Also, someone pointed out, I think on Twitter, that TFG mentioned burner phones at least 3x in his lawsuit against Mary Trump. Those 7+ missing hours--how to connect the cell phones in the records?

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Waffen Frauleinen.

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Didn't Graham make a call to Nevada or Arizona or somewhere, to the SoS in charge of the 2020 election in that state, asking for a different outcome or more votes? What happened to investigating the Antebellum Senator from S.C.? This was independent of TFG calling Georgia.

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"When they go low, we go high."Uh, no.When they go low, we go nowhere.

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Unless the crime is conspiracy

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Something I learned going through a super contentious divorce, and many years post divorce unfortunately, is that the legal structures in place were well equipped for a reasonable person, but not equipped at all to manage an unreasonable person. That was a civil thing not a criminal thing, and also might have been different if I’d had money, but it makes me wonder if our legal infrastructure for criminal matters is the same way. The court would issue a ruling telling my ex to do or not do something and he would just say “fuck you” and keep on doing whatever he wanted to do. It seemed that it didn’t matter what the court said, it was up to me to somehow enforce it and I didn’t actually have the power to do that.

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