They were the network that ignored a Hillary speech to shoot the empty podium where Trump was supposed to show up.

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I recall St. Reagan was notorious for his teleprompter dependence. But IOKIYAR

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Is that soy sauce on the left paw?

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We know his name because he chased gossip columnists and celebrity reporters to give them scoops.

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but if you get rid of all the tax breaks and loopholes, the 1% will be able to start from scratch with bribing legislators to put in their specific loopholes, while they can get rid of all the loopholes that actually help working people. win win!

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Trump prefers Trickle-Down ME.

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More than one thousand patriots lined the streets of Springfield to protest Trump's visit. So many beautiful American Flags that t-Rump thought they were for HIM (he thanked the flag wavers in his remarks, LOL). The Flag Project: Blanket the Resistance in Our Flag has been gaining steam in MO. (see https://www.facebook.com/Bl... We're taking back our flag. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Ha! I saw 'washingtonmonthly' and I thought "tax reform, that's gotta be Martin Longman... Love that guy.☺

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legos, fractions.123amps.it's a parable.the wolf is coming.it's a pack.ready, set. electric.the wolf is dying.it's a fact.

bite its own leg off.

it's its worse enemy.

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Link at the end of the article is broken, btw. Although the "sources" one for Vox works.

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literallly there are trans ppl who are like "James Bond-esque" in seal team 6 who could beat these bigot clowns with their bare trans hands, end ISIS and "redirect" the lives of the lame-ass coward rednecks who would vote against those ppl people serving and acting as badass patriots for the USA...


oh yea, bone spurs.... right... my bad... both of em.... alll of em , katie....

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First words out my first statistics teacher in Jr. High:

"Figures don't lie, liars figure".

8 more statistics classes later, 6 more said the exact same thing in the first class.

They should teach statistics and logical fallacies from grade school on.

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Does said trickle-down start with "pee" and end with "pee"?

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Trickle-down Windows Mobile.

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Mrs Obama is 500 times more secure in her man than Rump ever will be.

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Unzipped from Russia!

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