Asked about the statement on Saturday, Mr Trump said he did not “believe that was about me”. “He never mentioned the name or anything like that,” he said, adding that if it were about him, Ali “would have mentioned the name”.

You know what's hilarious? I've been on several message boards and there are a bunch of Trump-trolls out there using EXACTLY this same argument. "He never mentioned the name!"

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He comes out of Cleveland as the delegate-supported nominee, but goes into November as the candidate without the votes.

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Of course, when his Attorney General railroads Hillary Clinton into jail for the crime of possessing a server, she can just go on the TeeVee and claim "This male/republican/Trump supporter judge is biased against me."

Isn't that how it works??

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And since the whole "act radical in the primary and pivot to moderate for the general" thing is, basically, a dishonest tactic, it's funny that the Republicans are flummoxed that Trump is so bad at the kind of lying they all sanction. He's a liar, all right, he's just not the right kind of liar.

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It's OK - he's being criticized by old guy white males - i.e. Newt Gingrich - and he pays them no heed.

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Maybe it's a rind.

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That's what I was thinking!

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My dog drinks the beer before they get close to it.

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He is just being himself, he's not gonna change now.

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Diatomaceous earth is your friend in that case. Basically microscopic broken glass and razor wire.

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Please let there be a documentary camera following him around, a la "Weiner". I'd pay to watch the audience watching that.

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Phew! In the panic of the moment, I forgot about that.

Come to think of it, can we just sick Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam on him? I'd love to see him wither under her steely gaze.

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he would wither under my own steely gaze and im a fucking nice as fuck salt of the earth kinda guy ( thanks Mom and Dad)

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There's doubling down, and then there's doubling-the-fucking-down:


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One can only hope that Donald, with his very great brain, ignores the advice of the professionals brought in for the general election campaign and continues to act exactly like he did through the primary because that worked out so well for him there's no reason to change.

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