Puffy short fingers are a medical warning sign of douche-baggery.

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Bad news folks: that is NOT a finger.

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<blockquote>and don't you feel silly</blockquote>

The man goes on teevee with an electrocuted chinchilla corpse on his head. Look, when the man virtually drinks gallon drums of industrial strength <i>ridiculous</i> for breakfast, it's pretty clear he can no longer even feel silly from something so mild as <i>simply being proven absolutely fucking wrong.</i>

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Yeah, but so does Congress, and I wouldn't call most of those guys "geniuses."

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Ross Perot is beginning to look like Thomas Jefferson compared to The Donald.

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American bombers can win wars from the safety and convenience of high, 50,000-foot altitude. Today, my visit to Wonkette has resulted in the learning of this incredible fact.

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Trump also says: <i>"I love this country. But, this country is going to hell.</i>

Is there nothing we can do to make America's billionaires happy?

Note to Trump: You live in the United States of America. Even with its flaws, it's greatest nation in the world. By far. You are not in hell or even on the road to hell. So fuck you.

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Except the birthers and Repubicans -- they'll believe anything.

But why is Trumpette keeping those unbelievable "findings" a secret? What does he have to hide?

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Hillary Clinton is banging her head against the desk right now, wondering why she didn't think of a way to disqualify Obummer from being president.

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Serolf_Divad: I guess it means "sew 'em back on."

It remains equally astonishing that neither Donald Chump or Duh Gov'Nuh can get through an interview or infomercial without proving they can't string together seven or eight coherent sentences.

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Parents of 15, 16 and 17 year-old boys are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our next ultra-militaristic president, amirite?

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He and Palin must use the same "speechwriter".

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So Donald Chump doesn't know any more about HIPAA than he does about the WTO.


He did manage to say "Well, I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re talking."

That makes two of us, Donald - 'cause I don't believe what they're talking either.

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Donald Trump sounds a lot like Donald Rumsfeld when it comes to military OPS. Rummy kept pontificating that it was our supper-dupper weapon systems that would made us invincible in Iraq. We know how that worked out...

Trump is a ignorant, dangerous, egotistical asshole. And as fellow Wonketter correctly asked: "How do you bankrupt a casino?"

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It's hard to take someone seriously when all you can do is stare at their hair and think 'you're kidding, right?".

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