Spoon theory helped me so much as a neurodiverse person.

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Cocaine Boor.

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If I were the Carlton Professional Tree Equipment company I would sue the everloving FUCK out of that asshole.

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Just how much coke was Junior on when he spewed out that crap?

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Not me! I just know about it. I'm in MA, our libraries are open. I support all big blue state libraries. Wearing a shirt with the NYPL lion logo will make red state redcaps glare. ;)

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I actually sent a copy of that tweet to the company. No harm in fanning the coals a bit.

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Dear Transgender, gay, and other minorities. The writing is on the wall. This country is not safe for anyone.

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While it could seem a bit scary, literal swastika waving nazis showing up to protest is probably not what Republicans want to see in their efforts to demonize drag shows.

If a bunch of die hard Marxists showed up outside a WWE event and burned American flags in protest, I don't think it would win anyone over.

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By now I know exactly what Gateway Pundit is about - don't we all - and as a rule I just glance at it from time to time. When I'm tired or short on minutes to check out the actual news, I just scroll down the GP headlines and assume the opposite is true. But whenever I read the comments and responses, I'd usually find these knuckle-draggers calling for summary execution at Gitmo of everybody they hated, with the Obamas high on the list, even when they were no longer President and First Lady. Often enough the method they fantasize about is the woodchipper.

And don't they get hoity-toity and full of insult when someone with a modicum of humanity calls them disgusting sickos?

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You know what I remember most fondly of days past when conservative leaning and openly Republican comedians would ply their craft? I'm sorry, where was I going with this?

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They really do. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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You're going to have to be ready to defend your friends and loved ones, because the amount of these people that are in lockstep and working hand in hand with the people tasked with protecting the peace is greater than I think most want to accept.

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I realize this is somewhat off the point, but why is Homeland Security investigating kiddie porn and sexual abuse cases? Wouldn’t that be the FBI?

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The way the right keeps freaking out about drag queens you'd think they were Catholic priests.

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