I hope that kid is current with his vaccines.

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I sooooo agree with you. I'm forced to listen to CNN and CNBC for a large part of my day at work, and it's unbearable.

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Every day I wake up to the horrible realization that I know people personally who are voting for this asshole.

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It's astonishing, isn't it? What can they possibly be thinking?

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"I forgot".

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I understand sarcasm. Actually, one could argue Trump saying things like "I think I have a very good brain" is pretty damn good sarcasm. For that matter, most of his hyperbole about being "great" and "the best" and "so much winning" qualifies as sarcasm. Unintentional sarcasm?

This new shit is not sarcasm.

You're worse at excuses than you are at sarcasm, Donald.

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100% no snark seriousness, I don't think he's playing with a full deck. And it's terrifying.

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It really is. Some of these people I truly love and respect. I just can't understand it. One of them in particular makes me incredibly sad. This election has been such an eye-opener.

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It's free advice when you've already paid.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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I miss Futurama.

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"It was a pun!""A PUN?""No, no...not a pun...What's that thing that spells the same backwards as forwards?""A palindrome...?""Yeah, that's it!""It's not a palindrome! The palindrome of "ISIS" would be "SISI"!! It don't work!!"

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"I forgot that armed robbery was illegal."

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Is it weird that the thing that makes me angriest is that the mnemonic device HH cites doesn't make any sense? He obviously goes out of his way to add extra S's with the "So, So Sad" but then only names one 'S' country, and also names the countries out of order of his own memory trick. WHY EVEN MENTION IT THEN?

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NYT on Trump invective against the media.“Whining about media coverage is just that: It’s whining,” Mr. Madden said. Of complaints, Mr. Madden said: “Any campaign that tells you it makes a difference with swing voters is just lying to themselves and lazy, because it’s easier than developing an actual strategy or message.”

Don't kid yourself, Trump loves the media. If the media ignored him, Trump would feel as if he had disappeared.

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More and more Trump reminds me of Vicky Pollard. (Skip to 1:01) https://m.youtube.com/watch...

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Nah. This is the Familiar Abuser type. They threaten and mentally abuse in jocular tone, then indignantly defend their "jokes" when called on them.

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