I can only imagine what nursing homes will look like when my generation get there. We'll probably be playing Call of Duty: Elder Storm or Mario Hoverround.

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Donald Trump, while in Japan for some business meetings and a few rounds of golf, arrived in Tokyo a day earlier than expected. Feeling lonely that evening, he employed the services of a beautiful young Japanese girl to be his companion for the evening. Although the Japanese girl spoke very little English and the businessman spoke no Japanese, their passion roared and in the heat of the moment she began yelling "Gama Su!, Gama Su!". Hearing this, the Donald knew he had pleased his female Japanese friend and soon afterwards went to sleep. The next day while playing golf with his Japanese business colleagues, one of his Japanese partners holed his shot from 170 yards away! Everyone went crazy and began yelling excitedly in Japanese. Wanting to impress his friends, the Donald joined in and began yelling, "Gama Su! Gama Su!"

Suddenly everyone became quiet. After a moment of silence, one of the Japanese turned to him and asked "Wrong hole? What do you mean wrong hole?"

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No, that was a condo made of stone-a.

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"I'm a presidential goddess. HA! No really. Remember, a long time ago I made my husband call me a domestic goddess instead of a housewife? Get it? Domestic goddess, now presidential goddess? Taking care of my brood? C'mon guys, it was funny"

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Nice chip shot there, sir.

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When Hell is full, the dead shall gather at... The 19th Hole!

Edit: Holy cow...I made a joke within a joke without even knowing it. The 19th hole is slang for the bar in the clubhouse (hah! <i>club</i>house...get it?) AND it's slang for a place to bury people who get in the way. ( <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteenth_hole">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... )

Who knew golf could be filled with so many things?

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Mr. Santorum?

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Golf is a good walk spoiled.

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Sadly, it is now Horses Ass Country.

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I used to enjoy playing golf video games. There was one a long time ago where you could shoot down blimps and helicopters. Good times.

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