In order to be part of Turmps junta, you have no need of suspecting or hypothesis or data. Skip straight to knowing the conclusion.

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The people I know who have a definitive diagnosis on the spectrum are all the eldest out of 2 or 3.

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He only wants to talk to the March of Benjamins.

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Unfortunately, there's no herd immunity effect for stupidity. It seems quite the opposite, in fact.

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Yeah, that's why nobody else, besides you, is still going on about it hours later.

I'm not an anti-vaxxer and never have been. If you bothered to read my original post, I said that back in my day we got shot up with mercury, and we liked it. I got MMR vaccines all at the same time, and nothing happened to me, nor did anything happen to any of the other kids who I went to school with who got it at the same time that I did.

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9/10ths of the haters were mad it was about a woman and a black guy and that dude who looks vaguely not white.The shit they were saying was just cover for that.the other 1/10th of course hates everything unless they ok it so, typical fan stuff XD

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Hi, can I just share with everyone that Andrew Wakefield convinced the mother of an autistic boy in the Chicago burbs that a psychiatric facility would be wrong for her severely autistic boy -- or at least help to convince her -- yada yada yada -- some inflammatory videos targeting a hospital later, the boy is dead. His mother and caretaker M U R D E R E D him because they couldn't take care of him anymore, but didn't want to put him in a facility.


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Again, not trying to pick a fight, but you didn't answer my question. I hope you obtained his permission before putting up his photograph. And I hope you presume his competence. We are all capable of great things. I genuinely hope your Autism Acceptance Month is one that is happy, instead of draining and depressing, as it so often is for many of us.

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Agreed, sadly. Just wait until a bunch of kids die of pertussis. Might change some minds. (I obviously don't want children to die - but sadly, I think it might happen.)

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I think you're 100% accurate. Autism isn't "normal," therefore it can't Possibly Be His Fault. I'd honestly be gobsmacked if he didn't blame Melania in private.

He is, by the way, exactly the type of person who would look at me (a very nonverbal kid, awkward social skills, prefers internet communication, but have been to law school/passed the bar/managed to hold down a job) and say that I must not be autistic because I'm not Damaged Enough. It's so common with Autism Paaaarents (as opposed to parents of autistic kids) - we're either Too Autistic To Speak For Ourselves or Not Autistic Enough To Be REALLY Autistic. Yet another reason to hate him like BURNING.

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Not sure what you're insinuating here. It reads like you're arguing toward the same media bullshit that we're "dangerous." Which I would fucking resent.

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Excuse me, I'm autistic and the amount of my intelligence/independence/etc compared to that thing's rambling is like ... inverse.

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Shit, I WAS born while he was alive ...

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... not wild about your language choices, but there is scientific study now that shows an increase in rates of PTSD in autistic adults who experienced normalization therapy as kids. Also, anecdotally, I am literally the only person I know in my autistic age cohort who DIDN'T have some form of child abuse foisted upon me as a result of my autism. Parents can be hideous to us. And then so many of them get mad or defensive when autistic adults view them with suspicion.

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Hey, can we maybe not speculate on shit that sounds like you're calling me diseased and defective? Because hearing wildly speculative bullshit about what my parents did to allegedly fuck me up is really depressing and kind of dehumanizing.

Love, an autistic woman, with an autistic father, autistic cousins and a deceased grandfather who was rumored in our family to be autistic, and is thus a proponent of my brain being a genetic variant, instead of some tragic disease

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Yup. Alex Spourdalakis. Want more stories? I have a few that would make you vomit.

Normals don't see us as people. I'm convinced.

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