Turgid Love Muscle? Is that you?

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It will trickle down. Into offshore accounts.

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How do you know so much about the sweetness?

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Republicans are staunchly opposed to government wealth transfers from the top of the earning scale to the bottom but wealth transfers from the public fisc to the top are peachy keen and dandy

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Real hard working Americans. Takes a lot of effort to get on and off that hoveround. Especially if you're carrying your matched pair of 2nd Amendment tools and a half a dozen clips/magazines/whatever.

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Sounds like a Brexiteer/Tory voter over here.

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So, no chance of keeping my tenement roof over my slum-dwelling head?

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The baby boom spanned the years 1946-1964. IOW, the first of the boomers hit 65 six years ago. It is upon us already.

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"Because all the other tax cuts for the rich simply weren't big enough to do the trick."Exactly.Like the "Twilight Zone" episode in which a dissident in a future totalitarian state is about to be executed on television pour encourager les autres, but first he gets interviewed."You don't learn, do you?" he asks. "History teaches you nothing.""Oh, but history teaches us a great deal!" says the 1984 O'Brien type conducting the last interview. "Hitler, Stalin and the rest, their mistake was not in going too far. Their mistake was that they did not go far enough!"Until Donald Trump is gone and the Republican Party gets a sharp lesson in how far it can't go, looks as though we're all living in the Twilight Zone. And down the rabbit hole with Alice too.

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Yes. When we're forced to the conclusion that Thatcher and Reagan were maybe not the worst possible ... we are in trouble.

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Don't forget Measles, the Bubonic Plague and smoke so thick you can't even see your nose.

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I'm taking your dinner as well(I swear, it's like it wants to devour my soul):http://static.thatviralfeed...

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Yes, and if not for the blue (city) part of New York and other east coast elite locales (MA to give only one example) and CA supporting all those deep (should I have said derp?) red places, they'd be truly fucked. Yes, MS, LA, AL, etc., I'm talking about you, assholes.

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Only hoping it was prescience: Remember Will Ferrell/Kevin Hart flick, Get Hard, about rich guy prepping for a stint in the slammer? Exec. Producer was our own Secty. Mnuchin. I suggest popcorn night for staff, cabinet & Congressional leadership in WH screening room.

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And this shit comes from the same mouths that say minimum wage laws go too far as hand-outs to the poor.

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Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!Get up, stand up: don't give up the fight!No sauce, no smoke, no snark, no worries...But, we don't give up the fight.

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