"Sir," he said, "Sir."

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That coat certainly drapes well.

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Fucking dipshit Pussy Assed Bitch never goes to s aingle fucking trainwreck until he is one.

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Friedman was wrong.He said government is not the solution; it's the problem.and Government 50 years on, doesn't regulate the RR.

Reagan made two promises.Cutting tax would increase revenue.Cutting regulations would increase jobs.

In this case where is the revenue? It went into the pockets of the RR masters.They spent on themselves rather than $afety $ensor$

Where are the jobs?Two Brakemen in the caboose, were laid off.

Lord John Maynard Keynes was right. Government has a role to play; some things only the government can do best.Regulate The Rail Road. The Post Road.

Put the Postmaster General back in The White House.

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Human primate have a need to believe in something.

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Haven't the residents of East Palestine endured enough??

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DerpSANTIS made it a point to cut Medicaid funding during the worst of the pandemic, because it's better to leave 2 or 3 million people uninsured than not balance the budget. Since most of those who died because of it were brown/black and not likely to vote GOPervert, he thought it was a great idea.

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Tacky, schmacky! They would have pilloried him for presuming to interfere in a national emergency as a private citizen, while usurping the role of sitting POTUS.

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Drumpf just being himself.

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Get this: a few years ago, Niall Ferguson insisted that Keynes's relationships with men disqualified him from commenting on economics. Why must these right-wingers wave their idiocy in our faces?

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I had never heard of J.D. Vance until I saw Hillbilly Elegy. Within a year, Vance had proven himself to be a right-wing yahoo.

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I saw Sarah Silverman in concert a few days ago. She noted the ridiculousness in assuming that the Jews will take over, as Jews are 0.2% of the human population.

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I don't know.

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Good point, they'd have other absurd angles to work too I'm sure.

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Tom Hanks or Hillary should sue Ron Watkins for this Qanon crap. Except hiding out in a Philippine pig farm probably isn't U.S. jurisdiction. He was briefly in Arizona though, where he could have been served.

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Sadly, many there no doubt loved it. It's a benighted part of Ohio.

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