Not to mention if you plan to send your kinder to school they will be indoctrinated in the ways of Jerbus and counseled by ctian pastors at least in TX. Soon your kids will come home wearing gold crosses cuz all the cool kids have em.

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"Any political or civil engagement by Jews, aside from grateful obeisance to the king, is improper interference."

They aren't "Republicans," they are "Hapsburgs."

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People, Jewish or not, know better than to give power AGAIN to such a petty, vindictive, corrupt, vile person. Even his MAGA proud couldn’t come close to keeping him in office in 2020, and he hasn’t gained voters since fomenting an insurrection and being repeatedly indicted for his many crimes. Surely, Trump insulting Jewish people will cause them to have a total change of heart, out of shame for not voting for him last time. Good judgment by PAB, as usual.

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If you want to know who is NOT a "Liberal Jew" it is Ben Shapiro, Chaya Raichik, and Dennis Prager. Everyone else, like me, a Hasidic Bubbie who votes Democratic and is pro-choice, "hates America" and also Israel (except for my relatives who have been there since before Herzl was born).

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You forgot the most scheiße Jew, Stephen Miller, main kapo in the Trump administration.

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Er zol kakn mit blit un mit ayter.

"He should shit blood and... ayter?" I've been a Yiddish speaker for 60 years but what is "ayter"? Ayer? = Eggs? Shit blood and eggs? If not, what is "ayter"? because how is there a Yiddish word I don't know?

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The German is "Eiter." Yiddish is pretty intelligible up to the alphabet for German speakers, naturally.

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He should shit blood and pus.

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Hats off to the Jewish people. Their insults are hardcore!

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If my friends are any example, they really give it to you straight from the shoulder, and yet with a certain poetic quality.

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He, ahem, "aloocated" all those funds, huh? And he made "Jewish" a nationality? He probably believes that there is a physical place somewhere in the Middle East called--and please excuse me for the phrasing--"Jewland."

I swear to Ahuramazda this is even more cringe-inducing than him holding up the rainbow flag with Sharpied-on "Gays 4 Trump" UPSIDE DOWN.

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Just south of Epcot.

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Walt would've never allowed that...

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Ta, Liz. You just made my Days of Awe far more awesome. L'Shana Tova.

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Extremists people are the same regardless of religion. Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Hindu-- they hate women. They are virulent in the sexism. They are homophobes. They hate consent. They hate each other most of all, although with a single word substitute their spit-flecked bullshit all sounds the same.

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They hate -- and more to the point, *feel threatened by* -- anyone who is not exactly like them.

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Your periodic reminder that the Fundagelicals luuuuuurrrrrrve them some Israel and Jews.

Because they're all supposed to go back to Israel so Jeebus can return setting off Armageddon and the Jews who are still remaining at that point will convert or die. Excuse me "be perfected"

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Remember when John McCain disowned John Hagee over the "God sent a hunter" sermon? Yeah, that seems an extremely long time ago now doesn't it.

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See? I told you she existed. That she's also King is just gravy.

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That is so gross. He must have so few minders these days. Now he’s just shouting the quiet part while flinging shit. Happy New Year.

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L’Shana Tova!


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He can't even spell "Nazi."

What a "very fine person."

Sometimes he reminds me of Mel Brooks' "Franz Liebkind."

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AKA, "The Kraut with the birds."

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"Lice-ridden, filthy, disgusting boids. You get my drift?"

"Yes, madam."

"I'm not a madam! I'm a concierge!"

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My husband was the concie-oige, but he doid. Now, I'm the concie-oige!

Nothing will take the place of the original. Not the stage play or the remake. Nothing.

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I've seen the movie a million times.

I know every line.

I still roar with laughter.

Every scene is a howl.

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$hitler vows to destroy America and Israel

continuing our 'every Republinazi allegation is a confession' countdown.

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Just... wow.

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