" like a racist Smurf or John Malkovich when he went through his own brain portal."

SER Joint! Malkovich!!!!

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I think when it comes to TFG it's either you absolutely revile him or you are in his cult. When it comes to the orange madman I doubt there will be much apathy.

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TFG Testifying would be a perjury-fest.

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"Nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure."

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Or whatever Blah people want or need.

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I agree with that 100%, I just hope that everyone remembers we have to vote him out and that just wishing him into the center of the sun isn't enough.

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We'd better see him as a threat, because his second term would be FAR worse than his first. People seem to also forget how bad the first term was, and how nearly we missed additional disasters.

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The 3.5-year difference in their ages IS EVERYTHING

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Ta, Stephen. Our long national nightmare continues,

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As I've been saying since Reagan Time, the GOP stopped being a political party after dedicating decades (and tens, if not hundreds, of billions) to becoming a cult of dysfunctional personalities desperately seeking a father/Fuhrer figure to blindly follow over the nearest cliff. And in the process transformed 'conservatism' from a coherent philosophy into a national psychosis. Trump is just the product of this process.

Which begs a question: if polls show wide public support for progressive policies and programs, and clearly identify the DP with those ideas, why are Biden and Trump polling within the MoE against each other, the DSCC could very well lose the Senate, and the DCCC not regain the House?

The DNC's knee-jerk answer is 'scapegoats'. Whether it's McCarthy Kids in '68; McGovern hippies in '72; John Anderson in '80; Nader in '00; Sanders and Stein (in both '16 and '20). It is as easy as lazy to point an accusing finger at specific individuals, declaiming "if not for these spoilers, we would have won!" Which deflects and distracts from the core problem--the institutional changes to the DNC (as an electoral bureaucracy) over the past 45 or so years. IOW, the takeover by the DLC--conservative, white, Southern Democrats moving the Party to the right as their answer to the GOP-ization of the South.

To understand how and why that happened, this is a good place to start: https://www.lawcha.org/2016...

If anyone has a better explanation, I'm all ears.

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85% of likely GOP primary voters want a candidate who'll challenge woke ideas even though they have no idea what that even means.

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14th demonstrates that most Americans don't know anything about Civics. Presidential elections are based on statewide voting. The number of Representatives is based on population. MI, PA, AZ, NV, & GA will be very important in 2024. Everyone get out and vote.

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"I have too many books" - unpossible!!

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(Oh, hilarious side note here is that former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley polls below joke candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. Ouch.)

Don't worry about Nikki. She'll just go on Newsmax and say again that Biden is senile, and that'll turn things right around.

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That won’t fix her two biggest liabilities in the gop primary: her lack of a penis and her lack of whiteness.

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Being “anti-wokeness” is just the replacement for the old code word of “family values.” It just means hating women and gays.

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