Assuming facts not in evidence.

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She is quite experienced at failing at CEOing.

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"The creators write on the download page that they created the extension because “Trump is a disgrace, kittens are lovely, and I couldn’t find a Creative Commons photo of a blobfish to use.” So it could have been a blobfish. Not as cuddly, but just as amusing."Mr Blobfish's avatar is safe!

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3) He doesn't shoot all the blacks4) He talks to A Muslim.

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The biggest basket of deplorables.

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I'll settle for "arrow to the knee"

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... not to mention "don't wanna do this"

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So Drumpfy just wants The Changes?


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I'm Australian myself and I love my country. I also love the U.S.A. for a number of reasons, one of 'em that in a little, easily forgotten shindy called World War Two, the Japanese would have conquered us and New Zealand, except that America came into the war. So I might not mind all that much if the U.S.A. did buy Australia. At least, then, if the worst happened and a savage fundamentalist Islamic movement came to power in our large neighbour to the north (did you ever SEE that shark-toothed imam Abu Bakar Bashir?) we'd get some help at need. But please God don't let that purchase occur while Donald Trump is president.

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I doubt he will even show up to the colouring lessions. Trump will get the best people, tremendous people to colour it in for him while he plays golf.

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Welcome to the post-truth world kids, forget learning anything that actually happened.

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But it's sooooooo booooring! He has better things to do, like tweet or finish casting his reality show aka cabinet.

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"Patriot" also, too.

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BTW, I did install it. It doesn't work on all the Trump photos but it did replace a few of them with kittens, so that is progress.

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