I think your computer has a catnip trojan

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I'm baking bread too! The recipe below, doubled, and with the method slightly streamlined. If you`re interested, my comments below the main article explain my alterations/streamlinings-es, etc.


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This recipe has become my go-to. I double it and bake two huge loaves - lasts about 2-3 weeks (in freezer). Check the comments section for my modifications/streamlining of method. About five hours (sans bread machine), but most of that is rising time.


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The photo looks wonderful. Obviously you double-plus love that recipe.

I don't have many of those ingredients. I don't even know what some of them are! But you have inspired me to add rye flour to my pantry (if I can find it; it was not available most of last year).

I reduce the salt somewhat in almost all my cooking. Shopping too, getting no salt/less-salt varieties.

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heh heh, to me all "Joshes" are always and forever thirteen, at most.

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I've been losing nouns lately also. Have any lying about that aren't yours? Proper nouns also; names of actors and musicians and such that I should remember.

And why nouns first?

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Bold move, Cotton.

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I would think a rhumba might be more apropos?

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Life is turning more and more into an episode of Law and Order. And not the good ones. The ones with Benjamin Bratt or Dennis Farina.

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I call him Deepcrap Chopper

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Stine's rant sounds like someone from the 1990s writing ad copy for XTREME products. A sure sign to avoid him. I really don't care for my immunogens to be CRAZY, SICK or WILD

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Screaming Antibody Titer is the name of my theremin jazz/punk ensemble.

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Ahh, yes- the elusive "cancer vaccine!" This should be shared with the world, toot sweet!! As a cancer survivor who encountered so many terrified people, fertile ground for quackery, this dude can well and truly go fuck himself. Good luck, and godspeed, FDA!!

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Nah, he IS using a lot of the words in the correct fashion. titer is correct.

But if it was this simple, it would be in millions or billions of peoples's arms by now because this is what Pfizer or J&J would have done. This is functionally no different than what Jenner, Pasteur or Salk did, just using one part of the virus instead of the whole thing. But we know a lot more about how to generate a robust immune response with vaccines.

The really scary shit is that this kind of technology is in the reach of garage biohackers. There have been cases where people have tried to edit their own genomes with CRISPR.

That way lies madness and really really bad cyberpunk fiction...

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Why was he not arrested ten months ago?

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Maybe the theme song to the old Johnny Carson Show?

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