Aren't those pictures from cheeto's inauguration?

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White trash Confederate rebels. Traitors.

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One of the speakers for the alt-right rally, Prosobiec, is a real piece of work. I sort of knew him online via Watchersonthewall.com (WotW for short, where I contributed for about two Game of Thrones seasons). At that time his alias was @AngryGOTFan on Twitter and he used a variety of aliases to comment on our site. At first he was just funny posting as a book purist but then he became more and more excessive to get attention. I think he fell in love with the fame because he went right off the rails. He would do anything for attention including abusive, troll-like behavior on our site. We started banning him. He would crash Game of Thrones events and I think even tried to get close to the author with some limited success. Around about that time he also apparently was stalking a woman (a friend of the editor of the site). His online and IRL behavior was definitely not normal. At about that time he was also getting into the alt-right and Men’s Rights movement online (don’t know what his reddit username was, guessing that his rejection by said woman fed into his persecution complex). I dropped out of WotW and hadn’t heard anything more about the weirdo until the next thing I know the little twerp has White House Press credentials. And now he’s interrupting Shakespearean plays and speaking at nationally covered protest rallies.

Basically all this is to say that there is a definite pattern with this guy–he finds something popular, attaches himself to it, takes a contrary stance, and pushes it as loudly and obnoxiously as possible. He is a FWT- Fame Whore Troll. How many of the alt-right leaders are simply that….little boys who can’t get positive attention so they act out and take gratification from the negative attention? All the while riding it to fame and fortune. Hell, one could claim that most of the loudest voices on the right are this way–Limpballs, BecKKK, Hannity, etc.

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Look, guys. Without all those alt-right morons, including the Moron-in-Chief and all his moron cheerleaders, and all the moron "pastors" who say that opposing/mocking/dissing the Moron-in-Chief is hastening the coming of the Antichrist, where would we get our comic relief? Example: Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich asserting with a straight face that they are the only case of sanity in the media. You'd have to pay money to see that kind of act in a comedy club. Right?

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The photo depicts a representative sample of the proud citizens of Dumbfuckistan.

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Ding ding ding!

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"white" people don't have it rough

Poor people do.

How is OJ doing these days anyways?

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Probably made less money than their wives and got the divorces handed to them

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Humans in general..you are implying there is a "race" with greater intellectual consistency.

Please explain how that isn't racism

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Most of history is full of backwardsness from all "races"

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Ya..my college was more expensive then yours. I'm better than you.LOL

MENSA doesn't give the rich an advantage. Getting the cert is only a couple hundred, not fifty to a hundred grand.

Also, I reviewed the top tier colleges for my degree. It was the same curriculum for much more expense and requirements that are much less likely a unmotivated, poor person would meet. Trying to get into Harvard from poverty isn't worth the work. You will still likely end up a as a cog turning a profit for much richer people.

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Blame the fact that most people are rather shallow and really shouldn't be claiming opinions. Looking to whats most popular is pretty robot.

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Yes...its good because it helps us figure out who to exclude

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You know, I want to thank these guys for bringing attention to the fact that I am oppressed. I had intended to go out and find some sort of rally where, after applying a shit-ton of sun screen, I could let the world know that I have been beat down by the man. But...see...my wife made hot wings, and then SportsCenter was on, and then I was going to go, still, honest! But, you see...those fuckers freak me out and I decided I really didn't feel that oppressed anyway, so there you have it. Now if Teh Dons would just do something really dumb (again) my evening watching Rachel would be so very entertaining! The End

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Let's count the idiots: 1, 2, 3, .....25, 26, 27, one million.

Yep the math checks out

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