Perhaps our respective Publics could follow our scintillating Contents were available to mere peons elsewhere.
I know, you're thinking, "What about here?"
Alas, Comments are not allowed on Wonkette and if they were, you would have to get a special Blue-check Wonkette account which costs $44 billion a month (and another $44 billion to hide.)
You've probably already blocked all the Nazis.
Great, Elon, now do a mic drop....
Eventually he'll say we have to pay extra to be able to block anyone.
I'd give him two bucks for it, but only if the debt remains his.
No deal? OK, my bid just went down to one buck.
Fifty cents.
A bent quarter and a used condom wrapper....
For newcomers to Investment vocabulary, NFT stands for "No Fucking Trumps."
I am still waiting for my Sorosbucks to arrive.
If Elon, too, lets me down, I am going to have A Sad of major proportions.
Click on the boxes that show a delusional asshole on a bicycle.
Free Twits for life or until your autopilot crashes you into a bridge abutment, whichever comes first.
I don't want to live in a world in which I cannot impersonate Dame Judi Dench.
Probably the first good idea Elon has had in years but will he pay for it or does he expect me to pony up the bucks?
I, too, never opened a Twitter account.
Perhaps our respective Publics could follow our scintillating Contents were available to mere peons elsewhere.
I know, you're thinking, "What about here?"
Alas, Comments are not allowed on Wonkette and if they were, you would have to get a special Blue-check Wonkette account which costs $44 billion a month (and another $44 billion to hide.)
"When Judi Dench impersonation is outlawed, only outlaws will impersonate..."
That's what she said😄
Elon wants to subscribe to your newsletter!
But they like this kind of thing ... Like monkeys loving the taste of feces.
Hiding the checkmark you paid for? Are we edging into "Sneetches" territory?