that's another problem with billionaires...How the fuck are 'fines' supposed to mean anything to them? And for musk, anything UNDER 5 billion is nothing to him

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And this is why I canceled my Twitter account the day I read on Wonkette that Elon Musk bought it. I’m not throwing shade at anyone who still has Twitter, but this story alone should prompt everyone news organization and celebrity, etc who uses Twitter to cancel their accounts. He’s not harassing a politician or a celebrity, but a college kid. Accusing a Jewish guy of being a fake Neo Nazi is the most disgusting thing he could have done to this young guy. While I hope he wins big in this lawsuit, every decent person with a Twitter account needs to dump that shit. Period.

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All that was needed was for a guy to have a passing resemblance to a Neo-Nazi which is neither his fault nor the Neo-Nazi's, and for him to have mentioned at least once before that he "wants to work in government" which is nothing unusual, people do want to work in government, nothing criminal or strange about that, for him to be "identified and confirmed" byt the fucking FarQ as not just a Neo-Nazi, but as a "psyop" posing as a Neo-Nazi to make Neo-Nazis look bad (which is really unnecessary as already pointed out).

That was it, that was all it took. Nothing Brody actually did directly linked him to the insane picture that the FarQ drew of him. An innocuous remark about wanting to work in government which in NO WAY means that he's a "psyop" and the fact that he resembles a known Neo-Nazi who got into a fight which Neo-Nazis tend to do since they can't genocide all the Jews and they have to let some steam off otherwise are getting punched in the face by people who rightfully hate their hate-based ideology.

These people are the enemies of human civilization. Given the right influence and positions of power they will drag everyone down to the dark ages of stupid insane nonsense where they currently live. People will die or be harmed solely because of their stupid shit and the fact that Elon is their poster boy AND a guy of influence means he really needs to not be either of those things by yesterday.

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what no one seems to be asking is....

WHY would Musk be against FBI agents in an undercover neo nazi operation?

I mean.....

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What a dilemna... which is the worst slander, being labeled a nazi or a secret police agent?

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

That last paragraph really nails it.

Unfortunately, there ARE actually Jews (and POC) who are Nazis or Nazi aligned (see Stephan Miller, Ben Shapiro, "Ye", Ari Alexander, Enrique Tarrio...). The Yiddish word for those people is shandeh. I don't know if other groups have a word for that kind of disgrace.

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"Not to mention the fact that, as a Jewish person, he’s slightly offended by the implication that he would even be a fake Nazi."

Well, sure. But on the other hand, somewhere out there there's a Neo-Nazi steaming that someone mistook him for a Jew.

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OT TFG looks dazed and confused at trial today....

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This is the type of case were Mr. Brody's attorney will tell the jury to write a 1 after the $ sign on the verdict form and then to keep writing zeros after the 1 until he tells them to stop. eLoon deserves to get fucked again. eLoon may be smart but he is NOT as smart as he thinks he is, which is why he keeps doing really stupid things.

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I’m surprised Muskrat would do something like baselessly calling someone a fake Nazi. Normally, he baselessly accuses people of being pedophiles.

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I hope Brody wins enough actual money to pay for college & more

No wonder this xlon and his sort are so keen to cut the budgets of the US gov't, if they think the feds can *hire* that many undercover agents. Its preposterous. I don't think even Putz can hire that proportion of spies, and he probably wants to.

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They should ask for $50 billion.

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Let the Nazis think they’re being infiltrated. Let the paranoia sink in and drive their behavior towards suspecting and attacking each other. Mess with them from within. Elmo is dangerous because he’s a fucking moron with money and power.

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Let's not forget that Musk called the guy behind the rescue of those Thai teenagers trapped in an underground cave a "pedo" because the guy dismissed Musk's attempts to help. The guy sued, but the jackass judge dismissed the suit because he thought that "pedo" was just another insult, like "scoundrel" or "mountebank" or something, and so protected by the First Amendment. I sure hope Musk has a harder time with this new lawsuit.

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Tune in tomorrow for another exciting episode of, "Elon Musk: Stupid Secret Agent."

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Elon Musk's Machine for Fascism: A Tale of Three Elections - by @emptywheel


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