As far as Elon Musk and other far-right agitators are concerned, anything bad that anyone on the Right does is a “psyop” — a psychological operation — put on by undercover agents of the federal government in order to make them look bad. It’s hard to know if they sincerely believe this or if they just think it furthers their cause and makes them look good on bad press days, but it doesn’t really matter. Because regardless of their intent or belief, these campaigns frequently end up ruining the lives of those they falsely claim are in on the scheme.
It doesn’t always work out for them though — Alex Jones ended up owing the Sandy Hook families he claimed were “crisis actors” over 1 billion dollars.
And now, the lawyer that represented two of those families is representing a 22-year-old guy who had his life upended earlier this year after Elon Musk repeatedly falsely accused him of being a federal agent posing as a neo-Nazi in order to make the Right look bad.
Back in late June, a brawl broke out in Oregon City, Oregon, between the Proud Boys and the Rose City Nationalists, another far-right faction formed by a guy who got kicked out of the Proud Boys for being too publicly Nazi-ish and thereby messing with their “optics.” During the fight, the masks worn by two of the Rose City Nationalists were pulled off.
When video of the fight went viral, a far-right “shitposter” Twitter account, Dr. Frenser, claimed to have identified one of the unmasked Rose City Nationalists as 22-year-old Ben Brody, a Jewish college student in California who bore a passing resemblance to the unmasked neo-Nazi. Gleefully, the user pointed a screenshot of Brody from his Jewish fraternity page that said he wanted to work in government as “proof” that he was a Fed in on the psyop.
It … was not.
Later on, Musk saw the video and asked “Who were the unmasked individuals?” to which someone responded with the Dr. Frenser post. Musk responded “Very odd.”
Because Musk has such an enormous following, Brody and his family soon found themselves the targets of a million outraged rightwingers, which was understandably horrifying. In desperation, Brody put up a video on his Instagram in which he shared his bank statements showing that he was in California having dinner at the time of the fight.
Unfortunately, that did not help much. Not only did the harassment continue, but Musk fanned the flames by repeating the accusation at least two other times — despite having been informed by many, many people in his replies that Brody was not the guy in the photo.
He responded to a post from Matt Wallace, a cryptocurrency douche, that read “Remember when they called us conspiracy theorists for saying the feds were planting fake Nazis at rallies?” with the laugh-cry emojii of internal rage and Dr. Frenser’s photo montage with “Always remove their masks.”
Again, this is after he had been repeatedly told that Ben Brody was not the guy in the picture.
Later on, conspiracy nonsense site Zero Hedge ran an article on the “finding” titled “Patriot Front ‘White Supremacist’ Unmasked As Suspected Fed,” which oddly enough did not cite Dr. Frenser or mention that Brody was a college student. Musk responded to a tweet of the article with “Looks like one is a college student (who wants to join the govt) and another is maybe an Antifa member, but nonetheless a probable false flag situation.”
It was not, again, a false flag situation — and in the months since, Musk has made no effort to correct the accusation and the tweets in question are still up.
Why? Because it’s more important to him to push this narrative than to not ruin the life of a shy college kid. His lawyers have threatened Brody that he will be required to pay Elon “fees” if he goes through with suing him for defamation
According to the lawsuit, “Brody has suffered and will continue to suffer general and special damages, including a severe degree of mental stress, anguish, fear, personal embarrassment, and psychological harm which disrupted his daily life.” He also has to worry about this affecting his future job prospects, should a hiring manager come across these accusations, as well as long-term harassment from those who believe in this nonsense and make targets of those they believe are involved with it for years on end.
Not to mention the fact that, as a Jewish person, he’s slightly offended by the implication that he would even be a fake Nazi.
The lawsuit doesn’t reveal how much he will be seeking, though it notes that it will be more than a million dollars. Let’s hope it’s a lot more than that, because that’s not even a drop in the bucket to Musk. As the lawsuit points out, this is far from the first time Musk has fallen for disinformation or defamed someone, and he’s going to keep doing it until it hurts.
The truly strange thing here is that Elon or any of these other douchenozzles think that anyone would need to do a “psyop” to make them look bad. Literally everything they do and say — including ruining some poor kid’s life on the off-chance that they might convince someone that neo-Nazis don’t exist — makes them look bad, because they are bad people. They do not need help from the government or Antifa or or me or anyone else to accomplish this. Why would anyone waste all that money and time and effort, when they’re doing such an incredible job of it themselves?
It's funny, if Musk had just kept his head down and run Tesla and his space company, he'd probably be remembered as a genius (which I doubt he is) and a captain of industry.
But he had to buy twitter and open his fucking mouth and now he's literally a joke.
I don't hate many people. Hate is a hard emotion for me to go to... It's just not me and I have to deal with all kinds of people in my job.
But honestly, Enlo could be attacked by rabid badgers and I might sit back and have a glass of wine and laugh.
With votes.