The late great Molly Ivins on Gene Scalia. This is the guy Dear Orange Leader put in charge of the Dept of Labor. Also, Godspeed Molly! We miss you.


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The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the dead tree

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Putting Scalia in that job at all was an enormous FU to American workers.

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BC would not mind joining.

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I was watching that and they were very polite to her, they could have switched to French or German and left her looking even worse. I would have loved it if they had switched to either language.

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Eugene Scalia describes himself as a labor lawyer, which is true, in a sense–the same way it’s true that the late Colonel Sanders was a big advocate for chickens.

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If those two together had produced 1% of what I suspect you produce, they would not be subject to such shade (and a lot of other things would be different as well). I suspect part of the situation is your best friend's father's ability to assess who has "what it takes" to get the job done, and the understanding of whoever took his word that this was part of your vetting. This all sharply contrasts with an idiot hiring other idiots on the basis of them being familiar and/or family.

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There is truth in what you say. I always make a donation to American Atheists in their name just to rile them up...but, just for fun, I subscribe them to Cat Fancy magazine with delivery to their workplace.

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This is true - solidarity. People are gonna have to organize and fight once again for basic human rights. Maybe this will be the tipping point. Um...so....yeah, where ARE the unions? Hello.....anyone there?

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You know who really DOESN'T want California to secede? Latino/as who live in other states who are only 1 Senator short of having all their rights taken away

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Kim Stanley Robinson's _The Years of Rice and Salt_ is an interesting alternative history where the Black Death killed ALL of Europe. Spoiler: China and the Muslim countries get along just fine, discovering the New World and developing science all that.

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And thats why the Russians keep supporting American secession movements.

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