Anise squares, or GTFO!Actually, I love anise squares. You never see those anymore...eeep! That sounds like A Oldz thing to say (I'm not THAT old, just sayin').

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What state are you in?

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I'M a Heather! I'm taking it back! NO MORE HEATHER LIBELS!

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New York. So I've the de facto Leader of the Opposition Chuck Schumer working on my behalf in the Senate.

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The thing about this view is, I kinda-almost-barely fit the demographic of "white middle class women" who voted for Trump. But I didn't, because I made it my business to find out what Hillary was offering, and because I'm actually mostly okay right now except my bank keeps fucking me and we have a monthly disaster that rips off any money that isn't going to bills, so I feel like I can safely vote for a candidate who is making more of an effort to reach out to more disenfranchised people than myself, and generally feel secure that the things that benefit them will benefit me. I may tend to overestimate the smarts of other people and underestimate my own, but it seems that I didn't even have to go out of my way to learn how she would benefit me, and that anybody who wasn't directly campaigned to could do the same. Particularly if they had eyes and ears, and even an ounce of shame or concern over Trump.

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Do one last thing for me, please? Write to Senator Gillibrand and encourage her to run in 2020?

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All the empty bleachers and open spaces on the grass, maybe?

That shot does look more like viewing the deceased at a funeral than a celebration, tho' ... !

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That's a good point. And he couldn't even get the Pentagon to give him tanks.

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yes. you do. people never call to thank their elected representatives to say, "hey, you know what? you guys are awesome and I would like you to continue being awesome. thank you for filing X bill and for championing Y cause!" this way when they do eventually do something you disagree with, they'll take you seriously when you called instead of going, "ho hum, everyone just calls to yell at us."

by the way, hey, thanks for making those donations. that was pretty awesome. now, please, keep being awesome by thanking your congress critters and making a nice lady a sammich.

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I suggest you tell him that he's got to do the resisting and make you sammiches or there will be no sexxxy times.

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No. Hillary lost MI, WI, and PA TOGETHER by around 80,000 votes. MI counted for less than 11,000 of them, IIRC.

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You beat me to the post, but this time I actually scrolled down to check on whether or not someone had already mentioned Dr. Dean's 50 State Strategy, which helped Obama win the WH.

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I'm a woman who was born and raised in WNY, and lived in NYC for quite some time before I moved to Chicago. My current representation consists of known Democratic quantities like Durbin, Duckworth and Davis.

I call and fax daily, and attend local town halls, protests, rallies, community meetings and support local school board candidates with my time and money. It would be vastly easier to throw some money at problems, and because I live in Cook County I know the vote will prevail for libs. Yet I persist. As a woman, and as a person with family members who want to immigrate here from South America, I don't have the luxury to just toss some money at people to make the world go away. I have to be active and supportive of my elected officials because I want to change the world.

Here is another reason I make calls and spend time: You can't always count on your Dems to do the right thing, with votes. Duckworth voted for Trump nominee Wilbur Ross. Why? I still don't have a sufficient answer and maybe she made a mistake, but I'm watching - thanks to the app Countable. I can see who voted for what and make my opinion known.

In NY, your state has a Superfund issue that will likely go unresolved and poorly managed. It's in WNY, at 18 Mile Creek, which feeds into Lake Ontario. While your elected officials are making fine and wonderful gestures of resistance, your environmental issues might not get the political pressure they deserve. You are missing out on being a part of transformation because you are lazy (your words, not mine).

Women are speaking out about healthcare, choice, immigration issues - even in blue states - because we know we cannot sit on the sidelines and we don't have the luxury of being disengaged. And we are making progress! We are teaching civics to others, too, in the process. This is fucking cool!

I wish you would reconsider the value of your wallet and spend some time.

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As a guy, this is shameful. I didn't make calls but I do live in Silicon Valley such that my rep and Sens are Dems.

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You can still contact them anyways! Are you 100% satisfied with things where you live, or with income inequality there? Or, if you are happy let them know and tell them how to work with the opposition.

I am in blue IL, and I'm still doing the heavy lifting you guys won't do - every day. The worst part is knowing you can remain oblivious for a long time and that I will continue on, but the best part is that when history is written my name is there. Don't you want a piece of that?

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