Everyone Wake Up Tomorrow, To Watch The Senate Vote!

Republicans have finally said "aw fuck all" and agreed with Democrats to move tomorrow's final health care vote from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., so Jim Inhofe and Tom Coburn can go watch their grandkids sing about jeebus in Tulsa or whatever. They also have to vote on extending the debt limit -- due to expire Dec. 31! -- by $290 billion, which should buy us another few hours. Why are the Republicans such quitters about everything? If the U.S. defaults on its debt, imagine all the seats they'd pick up in the upcoming midterm elections!
Check out these two pussies. Come home with Harry Reid's bloody head in a Zip-Loc bag or go fuck off in a trailer somewhere, just not in Dear Oklahoma:
Inhofe, of Tulsa, said he had been among the Republicans who questioned the need to push the debate to its limit after Democrats secured the necessary votes on Saturday to approve the legislation.
"I can assure you the vast majority of the (Republican) conference was on my side saying we’ve had all the fun we’re going to have” debating the bill, Inhofe said.
Inhofe, who celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary and then got stranded in Tulsa on Tuesday because of bad weather, is scheduled to return to Washington early today.
He said he didn’t want to miss the candlelight service at his Tulsa church on Christmas Eve since he’s been going to it for 50 years and three of his grandchildren are singing in it this year.
Coburn, of Muskogee, has been an active participant throughout the last four weeks of debate on the bill and is among the most adamant opponents.
But he said Tuesday, "Of course I’m happy — everybody’s happy to be able to go home. I think we battled here as much as we could.”
Coburn missed a family outing on Tuesday night with his three daughters and five grandchildren. And he said so many flights were booked on Christmas Eve that he won’t be able to leave for home until the afternoon, putting him in Tulsa about 9 p.m. that night.
These two insane people are not real conservatives.
Tom Coburn, Jim Inhofe grateful for a Christmas at home in Oklahoma [Oklahoman]