Member of Fox News Board of Directors Paul Ryan Thinks Republicans Will STOP THE INSANITY

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The current crop of Republicans would give him a swirly in the junior high school locker room

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Sorry, Paulie, but Susan Powter is so 1995. No way will your party stop the insanity.

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I've always admired the guy. It doesn't mean I agreed with all his positions but he's the one remaining Republican who I can respect. I know he made a terrible mistake with his nanny, and it cost him his marriage. But he apologized, took full responsibility and blame with no excuses, and did right by the nanny and his son. I can count on one hand the number of men I've seen do that in his position.

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LOL, true. I should have been more clear - I'm talking about living, breathing Republicans.

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I shudder to think what comes after QAnon but rest assured, there will be something after QAnon and it will be worse than QAnon.

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If Trump became President again and offered them a seat art the table, they'd flip in a hot minute

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This is the part that got me:

That new swing voter in American politics is the suburban voter, and it's really clear the suburban voter doesn't like Trump, but they like Republicans

They like Republicans but don't like Trump? What Republican in office has taken a stand against Trump? Cheney and Kinzinger, and it's working out great for them. At best Republicans are keeping their mouth shut, at worst they're totally following their master's lead. The idea that there's this huge movement if anti-Trump Republicans is hilarious. They're all buying in to the scheme and are just going with different types of crazy.

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It will be like last time, he'll steamroll over everyone and that will be that. The primaries are just a fundraising opportunity/tryout for a job in the Trump administration or Fox News.

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Ryan, and the Ryan rinos are, and have been the problem! Cheney and Romney are on his team, and she is endorsing democrats, and he won't endorse Lee incumbent Republican. The mid terms would have been hands down 100% republican wins if the rinos didn't try sabotaging our candidates just because they were Trump endorsed. Pulling ads, and badmouthing them. You do not care about the country, or the people, you only care about yourself and your band of thieves. All in with the dems, you are a team. The people are not stupid or blind, personally, I don't think you can mess Trump up, Trump is the republican party, like it or not.Varney should not interview his boss. Ryan should pay for running ads like this, that's money out of shareholders pockets.

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Zombies, maybe.

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Back then we didn't have the RWNJ media ecosystem we have now. I'm SURE Nixon wouldn't be impeached by today's Q loon Republicans.

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i believe one of the young guns. along with cantor and...kwevin mcC.

stupidest PR piece i've ever seen. got PR'd everywhere.

and now we live in hell.

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Cheney and Romney are endorsing Democrats, because, compared to the Republicans running, they aren't batshit crazy, or seditious. If you think tfg cares about you, you're a special kind of special. And he's doing a great job messing himself up, unless he manages a real coup. Hopefully his cult followers will wake up someday.

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Well, he was actually smart enough to realize that as a Republican in a Democratic state, compromise is a thing.

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That is hysterical. And so flawlessly executed.

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