And if she was giving immediate answers that turned out to be, let's say, not entirely accurate -- not even outright deliberate lies like her predecessor, but things on the order of "we understand it to be [this thing]" but later having to backtrack and say it was [that thing] instead* -- they'd be howling for blood over that. And if they couldn't find any lies, they'd likely start muttering darkly about how odd it was that she always had an answer and how that was just "too pat" and therefore there must be something shady going on somewhere.

*(i.e., like Ben***zi)

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Wonkavision? Wait, I think that's been used...


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I noticed several people in the administration sporting bunches of clovers on their lapels. Sorry but it looks, shall I say ...unattractive.

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Yo, Jen: I suppose being 64, pudgy and balding are dealbreakers?

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I been drinking coffee, and I been eating healthy, just so I don't miss Jen P. bitch slap the media.

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I asked my Magic 8-Ball, it came up Plausible.

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Not to mention Country Joe and the Fish.

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I think it should be WonkSPAN, myself.

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FOX propagandists sure are concerned about the most important things.

1) Obama tan suit2) Michelle sleeveless dress3) Jen Psaki in red dress4) blah5) blah

You know the really important stuff, unlike the corona virus etc.

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meddling? 60,000 indigenous Guatemalans were killed in the 80's, CIA funded Contra's murdered thousands more in Nicaragua and the toll in El Salvador is over 100,000. Civil society in all those countries was destroyed by U.S policy.

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What does Hunter taste like?

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Needz moar fan blade cutlasses.

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