My god - I'm in love

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I want to adopt a pair of female kittens and call them Fani Willis and Letitia James.

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Lord almighty, that's a beautiful thing

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This was fucking magnificent.

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Oh, Gym Jordan got told, alright.

I was watching MSNBC last night, the show with Lawrence O'Donnell and he had on his pet attorney--Alan Weissman (or something) who said that Fani Willis should have written the letter to get it out of her system, but not sent it because it (the letter) was beneath the dignity of her office.

I say, Wha?

That letter was a masterpiece of shade. A masterpiece, I tell you.

The problem is that Gym is too stupid to get how deeply she insulted him. The sarcasm, the belittling, the 'you're so far out of your depth-ness', 'you belong at the kid's table-ness of this letter.

Gym went to law school, but never sat for the Bar Exam. Frankly, even if he did, he'd never pass the ethics portion of the licensing process.

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andrew weissman. he's all of MSNBC's fav (and has his own NBC program 'prosecuting donald trump'). i like him (and he's v v credentialled - EDNY, enron team, mueller team) but like many of these v v credentialled folks, he defaults to institutional conservatism.

me personally (speaking as a shakespeare actor), i have zero idea if institutional legal conservatism is wise for justice or not but i love me some fani willis shade.

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The MSM routinely reports everything the GOP does, no matter how outrageous or harmful, as if it is a legitimate activity for a political party and it's members. I'm sure if our side started calling out their shit the way Ms. Wallis did, we would suddenly see that getting a lot of play in the MSM, because it would attract a lot of eyeballs and clicks.

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has he mentioned this response yet on any of his assorted right wing media appearances? or are they just going to declare it non-canon in the RWNJ Cinematic Universe and pretend it never happened and that his initial letter really showed her whats what?

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Oh, my word. A thing of beauty and a joy forever.

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Master class on how to take down an idiot. Excellent work. I could not love her more.

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023

As we all know, the first two laws of trying to start some shit with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis are “Don’t Start No Shit Won’t Be No Shit,” and “Fuck Around And Find Out.” THAT is MARVELOUS.

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Bloody hell, that was brilliant. Gymbo can find his peanut sized balls next time he sneezes because Ms. Willis kicked them so hard. Will Gymbo actually learn anything from this epic beat down? Of course not. And if he does order Rico for Dummies, you can be sure it will be it will be paid for by the taxpayers. And never read. Brilliant. The woman is brilliant.

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I saw Mary McCord, former DC federal prosecutor, on MSNBC touting Willis' letter, but ending with a "but". She disapproved of Willis taking his nuts off so personally. I could not disagree more.

I loved seeing her dress this Neanderthal down. I did a fist pump alone in my living room as I first saw it. We need more leaders who are overtly fervent in their defense of democracy in the Democratic party. You go Girl!!!

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No kidding. We need impassioned defense of democracy, and PERSONAL denuttings whenever and wherever the opportunity offers. This is a war, in case anyone has missed that fact, and Fani Willis is my kind of warrior.

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"See Exhibits F through O" in the last paragraph. ROFLMAO

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This précis is way, way better if you read the original letter first. EH provides the link under “she did” up top. [ https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23941366/jim-jordan-letter.pdf ]

And Evan, thank you for making this muggy Friday afternoon much more fun!

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If I still smoked, I'd need a cigarette.

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The only thing missing from her letter was some type of abstruse allusion to the wrestling coach sexual abuse scandal. That would have been the icing on the cake.

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I've taken to calling him a Rapist-Enabling Shithead.

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I do believe that her mention of helping rape victims was that very subtle dig. She’s a smart one.

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