Um, Ted, electrocution means you are daid, really daid.

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Any one else feel the need to shower after reading the phrase “Trump’s adult life” ?

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Ya, truth be told, I'm much more likely to say, "Thank Gawd I live on the west coast," over and over again...

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And they have fast airplanes there. So fast.

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Wait, all that filthy lucre and they still couldn't book any acts more impressive than *checks notes* 3 Doors Down and the Rockettes? They couldn't bus in some more impressive crowds??

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he doesn't deserve ANY Reese Witherspoon

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"How do you think you got here, buddy?"

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Bob Saget said when he would call his dad "Motherfucker," he would answer "That's right! I fuck your mother!" to which Bob would say "Shut up, you dirty bastard!"

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this is why I don't like to be seen in public in exercise clothing

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(and my son said a duck's privates was the stuff of nightmares...)

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So here it goes.

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With a Chianti and Fava beans?

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doubtful. There are a whooooole lot of government departments that still make you use Internet Explorer.

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The kind that launders lots and lots of sweet foreign influence money.

Remember, the Traitor in Chief wants to privately finance much of the work, which traditionally has been viewed as one of the essential roles of government.

Mueller has to know this is a thing and likely why Trump backed off "Infrastructure Week" so early in his administration.

He will likely speak about it again tonight, but it's unsure if he will actually cross the line and start to implement the policy.

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Yup. Scumbags like Mercer, Kock Bros and Peter Thiel. And all the other nutjob billionaire scumbags.

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Yup^^. They're also smart and rich enough to hire the "best" lawyers.

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