Blaming everyone but the President of Harvard for her ineptitude before Congress (I’m being as generous as I can here) and casual approach to scholarly ethics strikes me as unserious (trying hard to avoid being more blunt here too). It tends to confirm everything that the critics of DEI are saying about her and the people on the Harvard board who stood by her.

Please read Ackman’s piece at The Free Press.

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AMEN. Ugh. Gay screwed up to the max in that absurd appearance. To be 'outsmarted' by STEPINIT is beyond mortifying!

And you gotta just luuuuuuuuurrrrrrve her supporters who don't think plagiarism counts if it's not that much/not that 'bad'/not a Rethug doing it, doncha????

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I thought it was in the Festive Winter Holiday Citrus Cocktail! Tabs, Wed., Jan. 3, 2024 but now I cannot find it. It was about Rep Flores' fake food pics. Sorry!

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i saw it in a comment below!

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Christopher Rufo is opposed to DEI because he feels universities discriminate against unqualified candidates like himself.

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The link to the Flores story is borked. I went to the twitter link and used the link from there.

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sorry, which story?

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oh i see it now from comments. i confused myself!

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Obvs NYF, I am starting the new year in a lackadaisical manner apparently. Sorry to make you worry!

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Both Ziegler's are f'd (in more ways than one). Not only will he be ousted as FL GOP Chair, when/if the PD gets the video of his alleged rape of the 3rd Party, he's likely facing Prison time. Then there's the adorable wife who is pro-Don't Say Gay, who is about to be ousted by the School Board AND she's (potentially) been having woman-on-woman sex activities. There must be another definition of Gay in FL that I'm unaware of today! Of course, she might have only watched her man and the other woman without being involved at all, hence my "(potentially)" comment. Either way, the term hypocrite should apply to both of them.

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Hey, I’m all for recipes but maybe we could steer clear of MLMs like Cutco? They’re a pretty bad company.

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I hope Ian Ziering isn't sued by one of those minibike-riding Munchkins, but you know he will be.

Ziegler filmed himself boinking the other woman and she's PO'ed about it, saying she never gave him permission to video their boinking. I'm assuming he did it via his phone during the act, while they were in a position such that she couldn't see what he was doing, but I really don't want to picture anything more.

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This reminds me that I need to go pick up some gin...

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> Tabs gif starring Samuel Gompers (RIP)

Oh, I hadn't heard he'd crossed the bridge. 😢

Condolences, Trix and fam.

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we COULD NOT keep him in the house. He would houdini out the door even after his first car smushing. It was for sure sad.

Tipitina stays her ass in the house.

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Uf. Didn't know there was already a prior case of car v kitty. Poor thing. (((HUGS)))

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Another victim of Bidenflation, nobody can afford to post their OWN food pics these days.

https://twitter.com/RobertDownen_/status/1742560483360539118 ---

Very bizarre: Apparently former congresswoman and current U.S. House candidate Mayra Flores has for years been posting stolen food pics


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Arrgggh. So the police don't think the guy who attacked the CO state supreme court was upset by their decision on Trump? It was some other white male grievance that motivated him? As if they aren't all tied up together.

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fwiw, I am sure loving the kitty pictures - some really lovely stuff at the tops of articles, and of course Samuel and sibs above are BARBIE-ADORBS!!!

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What’s disturbing is that Christopher Rufo is so open about his bad faith efforts. He makes no effort to hide the fact that he’s out to destroy people.

And it’s working. People who are otherwise liberal are applauding the takedown of Claudine Gay as if she was personally shoving Jews into the ovens at Auschwitz.

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Again, everyone needs to get very familiar with the rightwing tactics. but a compliant media makes that harder than it should be.

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Awww that is the best tabs gif yet.

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Lupus! I knew it! Too bad that poor guy didn’t have Dr House on the case! Jesus, what a body-horror story! Thanks for the nightmares, Wonkette!

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I am here to rant. 🤬I just heard that Dwayne the fucking Rock Johnson is talking about running for president in 2024, to which I say -ok America - if we do this we deserve whatever the fuuuuck we get. Like seriously? I know I joke about the timeline and the shitty simulation and all that but Jebus, c'mon universe. How much of this is really necessary?

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Any who siphons off the dotard vote. I find it hard to criticize this rock dope when RFK Jr is siphoning off votes from a real President.

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Yeah, except he's likeable and famous enough to really do some damage to our side. This would definitely hurt us and not just them. There are an unfortunate number of even Democrats who are celebrity worshippers or who might see him as a thoughtful pleasant alternative if they have some purity test concerns shit I just don't underestimate how dumb some of our countrymen can be. Not anymore.

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and he seems like a swell fella ... but when he was talking about this a couple years ago he refused to say even one position he holds on anything. we're just supposed to go "but he's good."

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Yeeeeeess!!! 😬 Aaaahhhhh!!!! *Tears hair out just a bit more*

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I wonder if he's getting any of that sweet sweet Koch "no labels" funding?

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That would not surprise me.

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I've heard The Rock in several interviews. He is smart and sensitive. This is probably just a weird rumor someone is spreading.

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him. he's said so before.

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Nope. I had to fact check it before I posted about it. He's saying that he's definitely giving it some thought and hasn't ruled it out because some stupid polls are saying that some stupid percentage of stupid people want him to run. 🙄

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Well that is super disappointing.

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Do not ever ask that question. You might get an answer.

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I should know this by now.

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[universe snickers behind its hand]

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I think I surprised my poor child when they told me about it, by reacting with anger. They're 11, so the thought of the rock as president was pretty cool. Lol

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Oh it definitely did because I had to check myself real quick when I noticed their confusion so I could explain my reasoning that yes, he's a funny guy but sometimes being s funny and charming guy in movies is not à qualification for anything as important as president. I honestly do worry that if he runs, he could screw the country. I did not have "fascism ushered in by a former WWE wrestler" on my 2024 bingo card.

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there's precedent; has everybody already forgotten Jesse Ventura?

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That's actually part of the reason I was freaking out so much about it. It has already been done at a lower level than president. Ughhhhhh. We just cannot do another celebrity president right now now.

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Cue Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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When did we switch over to playing three-dimensional bingo?

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Right about the time we started letting the church Karens run stuff w little too much.

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