For some reason seeing Mitt as half horse half man makes me think of Ann riding that stallion,"will someone please gouge my eyes out"

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<i>during an October appearance that was just adorbs</i>

Totes Ma Goats.

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Just signed up on the NYS exchange. Saving $250 a month. Thanks, Mitt!

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Methinks you need to look again at the Baen catalog. This shit is ART!

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If NYS rates didn't tumble because of the ACA, it <em>would</em> have been a sign of failure - NY, after all, already had guaranteed issue and community rating, but no mandate, so adverse selection & death spiral blah blah.

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Dear gawd, someone get the brainbleach - STAT!!!

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Peripheral, I expect. Most Repos would prefer to forget Mitt, not encourage him.

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Once you go horse, It's for better or worse.

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No Egg, you can't enter that Frankensteed in the horse dancing competition in Rio

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Don't forget to post us some pix.

Seriously. We need this.

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It was Mitt's unerring ability to understand the true needs of ordinary people that led to the triumph last November.

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