Therefore you must sacrifice a virgin lamb to him every year on Saint Michael's Day or he will inundate us all with tsunamis and typhoons.

And for the record, he also looked much better in a grass skirt than Beckham, gender-bending.

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My kids played in the local Socialist Football League, but they were never good enough to make the Travel Socialist Football team.

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It is labeled as "Parody" and "Satire" because the article's adopted voice appears to somewhat rationally use facts and examples to support the main point, and most glaringly, nowhere does it refer to Benghazi or armed uprising. The humor is found because of the striking absence of any of the usual talking points! <i>Like anyone stops talking about Benghazi ever!! LOLOLOOLLOLL!!!1</i>

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With mayonnaise.

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That would place it several levels up from the better-known newspapers, which are busy fellating GOP lunatics 24/7.

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He is so weak. And stupid.

Dumb as a bag of hammers, yet scheming to end our liberties in the most tyrannical, shifty way. Traitorous but completely disregarding the airspace of other nations, etc.

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You would think the whole promotion/relegation system would be something they would like since it rewards hard work and punishes laziness. Y'know, if they actually believed any of that "free market" codswallop they peddle.

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no, working fine for me

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the ones who read the Beacon, obviously...

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it's true, if you say them REAL SLOW and REAL LOUD words magically change languages

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"How is it a "gaffe" ...?"

Because Blah

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A mixed bag, to be sure, but if these people would emerge from their parent's basements occasionally, their interaction with the real world might (*might*) serve to better inform their world view and expand their USA-centric perspective.

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My Chrome is behaving.You wouldn't happen to be using Google Glass, would you?

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It's "Satire" because they say things like "The sport does have some positive aspects, such as allowing American hipsters to engage in unironic expressions of patriotism."


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Leave it up to the Kenyan Muslin to try and give the name of our beloved sportsball game away to some other damn country,does he really have to give everything away afore the country itself. Cant we at least have some nice things to keep with us when we become Little Barackastan

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