Trump's entire career is a testimony to the power of the Peter Principle and its equivalent derivation: that most managers and "leaders" would rather pass the problem to somebody else, because they lack the moral fiber to enforce accountability.

And now accountability itself is claimed to be partisan.

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Please, keep talking, everyone who is an expert. Those of us who really do have common sense are out here and listening, even if the Performing Monkeys with bigger platforms (a current problem we are also trying to address) are trying to do their best to drown you out

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The difference between Drumpf and Hillary: The media wouldn't shut up about the most minor "scandal" on Hillary's record, Drumpf won't stop loudly reminding the media of his scandals.

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There are things they are trying to do, and to take away, while we as regular citizens are trying to cope with this damn virus. Heads up.https://twitter.com/JoyAnnR...https://twitter.com/jimbote...

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So Trump fires someone within his beloved intelligence community. Someone whose job it is to bring information about actions that appear to be illegal to congress for investigation, as a check and balance on the abuse of power.

How would a “deep state” go about getting deep, exactly? These stupid people are going against their own paranoias and conspiracies.

(I understand if it’s just some asshole that constantly throws shit on a wall trying to make anything at all stick, but apparently anyone that is against Trump and is for truth or the search for it is anti-American.)

How 2 completely incongruent things like that can reside in 1 head (2 among many), means that there’s NOTHING that these people won’t accept and get behind, as long as it’s coming from the right people.

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"The letter was a five-page letter from a captain, and the letter was all over the place," Trump said. "That's not appropriate."

This is 100% no better than what CHIIIIIIII-NAH did to its whistleblowing Doctor and should shut the mouths of anyone trying to claim American superiority or using xenophobia to blame the Chinese for this.

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I hate Trump with the heat of a 1000 suns. Oh, and fuck you, James Comey (in case anyone needed reminding)!

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